Inverted Calendar


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
I've been using an inverted calendar for months now (I think it may have originally been done by thebowers, but at this point I'm not certain of that).

The only issue with the attached inverted Calendar is that, when you create a new event, the text for "All day event" is black on black, so that if you're not familiar with the calendar new event layout, you wouldn't know what the option was next to the checkbox.

I was hoping one of the talented themers here could fix that, so that "All day event" is white text on black. Anyone willing to take on this challenge?

Thanks so much in advance to anyone who does!

UPDATE: The issue has been FIXED by ecsnead69!!! I've now attached update zips with an unthemed inverted version of the Calendar and one that I themed slightly with some blue accents, both with the fixed text by ecsnead.

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Thank you!
I would like to get this on my D2. I wonder if it is compatable! Should be if I am running a blurless rom

Thank you!
I would like to get this on my D2. I wonder if it is compatable! Should be if I am running a blurless rom

Screenshots added, including one showing the black on black text in the add event screen, which I'm hoping one of the great themers here can fix.
Thanks for this - the more that's inverted/transparent - the better :wink:
Thanks for this - the more that's inverted/transparent - the better :wink:

tp76, I just want to be clear -- I didn't do any of the work (other than a tiny bit of theming) on this -- I actually posted to request a fix to an already existing inverted calendar.
I know - but if you didn't post it then it wouldn't be available again, and for that...thanks :)
I will download the zip and look into that text.........
GLD, did you get my PM?

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GLD check this one, I don't have the black text issue.

Just change to .apk and push to system/app, change permissions...yada, yada