Is there an email widget that will list all new emails not just one at a time?


New Member
Apr 10, 2012
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I used to use Email Widget but now with the latest version of the Motorola OS, I can no longer Root and therefore I cannot see a list of my emails on my screen.

When I mean a list of emails, I'm referring back to the BB days where I could see a list of emails that came in (usually the top 10) then my agenda for the day, then a list of missed calls if there were any.

I am a minimalist so my home screen should show me 3 things - my new emails, my agenda for the upcoming days, and any missed calls.

Does any one have any suggestions on widgets I can use to accomplish this? Is it possible for me to roll back my OS version so I can root again to get the Email Widget to work, or is there another widget out there that I can use?

I'm even willing to purchase a widget just to get a similar layout that makes sense to me. I'm very business oriented which is why I have a smart phone in the first place. I don't want to hit icons to open anything, I want it all viewable right from my screen (call me lazy).

If anyone even knows of a widget that's being tested, I'll help with testing too! Hahahahaha - I've been waiting so long for Motorola to fix their factory email widget so that it shows more than 1 email at a time on the screen but alas that still has not occurred. If it has, it doesn't work for Pros yet.

Anyway, if anyone can offer any suggestions of products I could try/buy that would be great. I keep missing emails now because Email Widget won't work (due to lack of being able to root) and I'm getting flustered. Any help anyone can provide would be fantastic!

Thank so so much!!!