It's been fun


Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
Temecula, CA
Just wanted to thank the DC team for one of the best ROMS I ever ran on my D1. Sadly the old girl has been retired and now I have a shiney new G-Nex to play with.
DC rocks it. Sorry to see you go, but you'll be sticking around with your GNex I trust!

:icon_ lala:
If DC is supporting the G-Nex I'm in...this group rocked my world with the D1 ROMS
I think woody is gonna get his hands on one. I used my upgrade already. But there's weird coded talking coming from my wife. With christmas and her upgrade. Tho I kinda want an xbox more ;)

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Just wanted to thank the DC team for one of the best ROMS I ever ran on my D1. Sadly the old girl has been retired and now I have a shiney new G-Nex to play with.

So how is the GN working out for you? I'm in the same boat thinking about upgrading to it. A lot of yeah/nah about it on the forums. If there is a chance of DCGN, then I will definitely get one.

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Thanks for the support over the months!

and as a heads up, I'm starting some work on bringing some DC love to all devices!

Just wanted to thank the DC team for one of the best ROMS I ever ran on my D1. Sadly the old girl has been retired and now I have a shiney new G-Nex to play with.