[Kernel] OTB Voodoo5 overclocked kernels. DJ05 Fascinate only [Updated 12/28]


Silver Member
Feb 3, 2010
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Here's a great collection of VooDoo5 kernels, all credit goes to nemesis2all over on XDA...Just reposting here for all to see....
Be sure your familiar with VooDoo and install/uninstall procedures before flashing....this is your warning!!!

[Kernel] OTB Voodoo5 overclocked kernels. DJ05 Fascinate only [Updated 12/28]
Introducing OTB (only the brave) overclocked voodoo5 kernels. These kernels are for DJ05 only. If you want an overclocked kernel you should be able to find what you want here. These kernels are built from jt1134's and supercurio's latest commits.

Not everyone will be able to run all of the overclocks I have listed. In fact only a select few will be able to run the 1250 and 1300 mhz kernels.

Use these kernels at your own risk. I am not responsible if something goes wrong and you break your phone. I am more than willing to try to help you out in the event you do as are most of the people on IRC.

If you so desire these kernels can be run with voodoo disabled. If you are unsure about how to disable voodoo then you should probably not be running these kernels tho.


OTB.1.1_lv_1200.zip OTB 1.1 lv 1200
OTB.1.1_ov_1250.zip OTB 1.1 ov 1250
OTB.1.1_ov_1300.zip OTB 1.1 ov 1300
OTB.1.1_sv_1100.zip OTB 1.1 sv 1100
OTB.1.1_sv_1200.zip OTB 1.1 sv 1200
OTB.1.1_sv_1250.zip OTB 1.1 sv 1250
OTB.1.1_sv_1300.zip OTB 1.1 sv 1300
OTB.1.1_ul_1100.zip OTB 1.1 ul 1100
OTB.1.1_ul_1200.zip OTB 1.1 ul 1200
OTB.1.1_lv_1100.zip OTB 1.1 lv 1100

OTB 1.1 has fix for missing bitmaps in voodoo cwm and some updates to voodoo. What has not changed is clocks and voltages. If you were unable to run at a certain speed before you probably won't be able to handle it now either. For more information check my github.

https://github.com/nemesis2all My GitHub

Big thanks go to jt1134, supercurio, geeknik, saps, MrThrax, Wilshyre, Bryan, and the many testers that have helped me along the way. Without the help of all the great people in the #samsung-fascinate channel I wouldn't have been able to do this.

Hope you enjoy them. If you feel like donating link is below.

<~~~~~DONATE to nemesis2all
And...here are the rest....make sure you know what your doing!!!

Here are some more kernels I have built. The ul kernels are using the settings adrynalyne used for his comavolt kernels. Which is basically 100mv less than stock for the settings from 100mhz to 800mhz. The sv kernels are all using stock voltages. These kernels are double in size because there is a kernel for recovery included that is at stock clocks and voltages. This is to help prevent you getting locked out of recovery in case your phone can not handle some voltages or clocks I have used in these kernels. Hopefully it is never needed but just think of it as a fail safe (Thanks to JT for the idea and instructions on how to do that). This will probably be the last of these kernels. Next should be aosp when that is ready. Hope you enjoy them and remember flash at your own risk.

OTB.test5_ul_1100.zip OTB test5 ul 1100
OTB.test5_ul_1200.zip OTB test5 ul 1200
OTB.test5_ul_1300.zip OTB test5 ul 1300

OTB.test6_sv_1100.zip OTB test6 sv 1100
OTB.test6_sv_1200.zip OTB test6 sv 1200
OTB.test6_sv_1300.zip OTB test6 sv 1300

Hope you enjoy them. If you feel like donating link is below.

<~~~~~DONATE to nemesis2all