LG Ally Memory Full!


New Member
Jun 10, 2011
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i keep getting notifications my phones memory is full and text messages are full. i have deleted every app i had and deleted every single txt and yet i still have the message. ive tried turning it off and taking out the battery i dont know what to do. ive only had the phone since january and im stuck with it until 2013 because of the 2 year contract. i dont know what else to do
If you go into the manage applications and choose the "all" tab, then sort by size... if you see dialer storage using a lot, click in and choose 'clear data'. You'll lose txt msgs, but since you deleted them already, no bigs.

Sent from my DROID X2 using DroidForums
Check out androidforums.com in the Ally - all things root area. Excellent ally support community. Check out velocity 1.1 rom while you're there, it'll make you love your ally!

Sent from my Storm Shadow LGBD2 @ 1.21 Gigawatts!
thanks i did that but it was only using 60 kb. it didnt help though. i wanna get a different android phone but if i buy it through verizon id have to pay $400+