Solved Lg Lucid was working

Tony F

New Member
Aug 9, 2014
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Current Phone Model
LG Lucid 2
then i rebooted it cuz my data was not working on 4g but it wouldn't turn on it shows lg logo then has a grey bar in middle and goes black PLEASE HELP i really need my data on my phone thousands of priceless pic with my gf
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Sounds like a screen failure. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and try and turn it on. I know that's become a somewhat common problem on the G2, so the lucid 2 may also have the issue.

on the move..
did not work
It doesn't have an SD card does it? Did you have Google back up your photos through the G+ app? If you can't get it to boot and it doesn't have an SD card I don't know if there's anything can do.

on the move..
I just tried factory reset event that dosnt work
Is the phone booting then?

on the move..
Welcome to the forumTony!
If you didn't have your photos saved to an external sd card, the factory reset would have wiped out your photos. If you DID have them saved to an external sd card you could try taking the card out of your phone and putting it into another device or a card reader to save to your pc or the cloud. Good luck!

tap'n on my S5
all on internal sadly
i do have a backup of /system /data /persist and /persist-lg
I managed to mount the phone in kali linux but its read only :(