Liquid 3.1

I'm enjoying 3.1 so far. Only had it a few days so far, but I love the familiar feeling from way back when I was running CM5/6/7 on my D1.

Since the install, a lot of the little quirks about my phone have been resolved. The only issue I've run into is with the Clock app. It lets me set an alarm like normal, but the second it's supposed to go off, the Clock FC's, and I get no alarm. I've remedied this by running a different alarm clock app from the market, so no biggie. All in all, very satisfied!
Taking the clock.apk from 3.0 also works

posted tomorrow using the space time continuum app on my D1...
Will be trying 3.2 tonight and making a miui backup since I love it so much. I've never restored a backup before on any of my phones though. I understand the navigate to restore part but is there anythings I need to wipe? Thanks.

Tap'n on miui incredible 2
As aldo stated restore requires no wipe as it basically does wipe during the restore process, but after making the backup wipe before flashing any new rom.

----posted maxx'ed out----