LogMeIn Ignition


Nov 11, 2009
Reaction score
Has anyone got LogMeIn ignition to work on the Xoom? I have it one my Incredible and it works great, but on the Xoom it simply will not work. If I save my credentials the app will just FC, if I don't save credentials I can start the app, but any computer I try to connect to fails with and error message and the option to send the error info.

This is very frustrating since there is no way to connect to a Cisco VPN so LogMeIn would be the only way I could remotely connect to our network. Without either of these connection options this tablet becomes next to useless as a corporate device...
Have you contacted logmein?
I spoke with them today and they have no ETA. It is going to be a complete revamp on 3.0

here is a video of the new app in action [video=youtube;2CtgOlpcung]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CtgOlpcung[/video]
Not Ready yet

I guess this answers it (email back from LogMeIn Support):

Hello Ken,

I apologize that Ignition for Android is not functioning on the Honeycomb OS at this time. Our Development Team is aware of the problems associated with this new OS and are working diligently to resolve them. As soon as Ignition is compatible, we will release an update to the market for your device.

I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.
I just re-downloaded LogMeIn Ignition on my Xoom from the market and IT WORKS! It is version 1.1.96 It doesn't look like their new revamped version, but at least it works.
I also found that 1.196 will work but is a bit buggy and quite SLOW compared to use on Ipad and Droid X. 2.x... did not connect and provided the same error the OP got.

QUESTION - When running this how do you get the XOOM onscreen keyboard to turn off?
xoom logmein ignition

I can't even find the logmein ignition app for my xoom in the market place. You do a search and it wont show up. I was able to install it on my droid x but not the tablet, which is the whole reason I bought the doom!
If you have it on your X, you shouldn't have to search for it, it should be in your list of apps in the market. Probably at the bottom, where the uninstalled paid for apps sit.
does anyone have logmein working? if so please link to the .apk for the right version if thats possible. If its a paid app can someone link to the market for the version that works?
I have gotten Wyse Pocketcloud to work if anyone is interested!
It looks like the latest release (1.2.171) has fixed the issues I was having with the Xoom. At last! Now I can use it for some work items, even though it means using LogMeIn to get to my home machine, then using the VPN Client on the home machine to get into work.

Now all we need is a working Cisco VPN Client, Hulu access and Netflix and I can get rid of my iPad!!
Nice - thanks for updating the thread! Did it auto upate or did you have to DL it from the app store?