Lollipop Hold Out

You didn't hit anything. I missed the last page. They force the download on you but not the install.
They stopped forcing update back after GB.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk
Maybe on Moto devices, but not Galaxy S devices, they still forced it on these devices up to the first version of KK. I can't confirm Lollipop as folks I know have either rooted right away, or taken the stock OTA upgrades.

S5 tap'n
LOL oh, I know the power....that's why I root immediately after purchase. But Turbo folk don't have that option.
Well, for 20 bucks they do but most on our forum don't want to pay for the keys to the kingdom. AND, they would have had to root before taking this latest update...though I believe there is still a workaround.
If I recall correctly, I think @FoxKat is the only member on our forum that has rooted their Turbo using this method.

S5 tap'n

FoxKat always likes to be on the cutting edge.
You also have to "Location" On. Mine seems to work in Battery Saving Mode too.

On Google Maps if you have your "Home" address filled in it will use that also. ( I just hate to have my HOME address listed in case someone gets my phone)
They can come visit me. If they knock nicely, I'll invite you them in. If they don't knock, Smith & Wesson has my back.
So what if someone gets my phone!?!?

- As soon as it is out of range of my watch or my Trusted Places it will lock
- Android Device Manager, I can wipe it
- Android Device Manager, I can track it and I'll know if they are coming to my house. haha
- If they somehow get past my screen lock, and Factory Reset to foil Android Device Manager... they've just lost any info about me

Trust me, I've always been anti-screen lock, I get it.
I've never used one until the Turbo came with Trusted Devices and I got a watch. And now with KK Trusted Places? Pffft.
It's downloading on my Turbo now. I'm so depressed because I really liked my phone as it was on Kit Kat. I don't want to be another one to be complaining about all the changes on their device.
I'm really bummed out and add to that, have to be at work in a few hours. Can't go back to sleep, ugh!
I was with you. I was holding out as well since the Turbo on KitKat was about perfect! After delaying the download for a few weeks it did it on it's on this past Monday. I decided to bite the bullet and install it. Other than a few visual tweaks I'm not excited about there have been no issues to speak of yet.... Just hope it stays that way!
I was with you. I was holding out as well since the Turbo on KitKat was about perfect! After delaying the download for a few weeks it did it on it's on this past Monday. I decided to bite the bullet and install it. Other than a few visual tweaks I'm not excited about there have been no issues to speak of yet.... Just hope it stays that way!

I'm still hesitant, I wish everyone well with their experience with Lollipop and I know sooner or later I'll have to succumb to the update. I'm not ready for the changes ahead, I still feel the burn from Gingerbread to Ice Cream Sandwich updates.

Did most perform a factory reset before or after the OS update?
Always before. Haven't had a problem with any updates to this date.
I have never done a FDR and hopefully never will have to. Still resisting the
Dark Side of the lollipopper.
Good to know I'm not the only one still holding out. I really wish they would not force these updates on us, I like my Turbo as it is on Kit Kat.