Looking for comparison shots stock camera app vs. camera zoom fx


New Member
May 30, 2012
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Hey all,
Loving my razr. One of the reasons I bought it was photos on the go without having to lug around a dedicated camera. I see a lot of people that like camera zoom fx. I've been searching online for the past few days and couldn't find comparison photos between the stock/default camera app and camera zoom fx. Seems odd not to be able to find anything, maybe my google-fu is just too weak. I know it's just $2.99 but yeah I'm cheap.

I used the app for a small time and did not see any difference other than effects available for an image.
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Camera Zoom on the left and Stock on the right. I have to re-download Camera Zoom because I never found it to be better or worse from the stock. I can take some more if you like.
Man I just looked that the Camera Zoom picture full size and that looks terrible. I have IS on, let me try another.
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Again Camera Zoom on the left and Stock on the right, Camera Zoom decided it needed flash for the picture so I let it do that. And both of these cameras are stock settings I am not one to tinker with what I don't need to.
Thanks a lot for going to the trouble, sydman. photo of the fan I like the stock app better, compared to the updated photo. But the photo czf wanted a flash and the stock app did not, the czf photo looks better.
not that the OP asked but I have been researching camera apps lately and didn't want to spend money til I saw pictures too. Its only a few dollars here and there but when you add them up when you are just comparing it can get costly. I saw one app only gave you 10 mins to return it (wasn't a camera app but the point is these time lines do exist)

Anyway... I found 'HDR camera', it's free and my test pics so far have looked incredible compared to stock. I will have more time to really test it over the weekend.

If you do find any other comparison photos I hope you post them or other members post some that they have :)
Also check out Camera ICS. I've been able to consistently get sharper, less blurry shots from it compared to the stock app and CameraFX.
I'm a meathead when it comes to photography. I was hoping a photography geek would have a detailed write up telling me this is what you should get :p. Since that wasn't available I decided for the price of a cup of coffee I could roll the dice on CZF. Not a good day for sunrise pics of the golden gate bridge, thick cloud cover. Which one is "better"

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this one was taken with CZF but I can't find the one taken with the default camera :confused:
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but here's the same shot with an older p&s
View attachment 50635
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For me, CamerZoomFX gives me the "Instagram" effect I like without having to sign up for another social network.:icon_ lala: