lower brightness below stock?


Active Member
Nov 17, 2009
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I think this has been discussed, but i searched and never really found an answer.

My screen's brightness is using a lot of my power, and more importantly, is too bright at the lowest setting. I use my phone in bed and in movie theatres and the lowest setting is simply too bright. I'm wondering if there is a way to lower the lowest value to below what it is? The iphone (which i used to have) screen gets much darker than any droid i've had and i really liked that.

I'm running andybonestock rom right now, but i could try other ones if they have a setting to further reduce screen brightness. or is there an app somewhere that will do the job?

Cyanogens roms allow for brightness control. Default minimum is 20, mines set on 2. And you can adjust how auto brightness works as well

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus
There's also an app called screen filter that actually puts a tint over the screen. It's probably not exactly what you're looking for, but it works! :icon_ lala:

+1 screen filter is great. i use it when i'm laying in bed at night. :icon_ banana:
are there any sense roms that do what cyanogen does? i like sense, but if it gets bad enough i might try cyanogen.
so screen filter saves battery too right? i'll definitely give that a try before switching to an aosp rom.
Turn your gd phone off in the theater please. Thanks.
Hate that....

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are there any sense roms that do what cyanogen does? i like sense, but if it gets bad enough i might try cyanogen.
so screen filter saves battery too right? i'll definitely give that a try before switching to an aosp rom.

Yes, screen filter does save battery a little, its not too noticeable. Though aosp roms like miui save a lot of battery. When I ran it, I could last easily two days with heavy use.
I can't imagine what would happen if you mix the two!

Sent from my Incredible 2 using DroidForums
I've been using "EasyEyez" which seems a little more sophisticated than "Screen Filter". It is similar to F.lux in that it changes the color temperature and adjusts according to location's sunrise and sunset