Metamorph or .zip to change only system setting icons?


New Member
Feb 2, 2010
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I'm running the new Sapphire 2.0 and ADW EX launcher. I'm not really interested in a full theme but I'd like to change the system setting menu icons to something other than the basic white. I've been unable to find such a beast, preferably a .zip file or a metamorph. Any ideas on this? I didn't see the current icons in the framework-res\res\drawable-hdpi\ folder so do they reside elsewhere?
The icons would be under res/drawable-hdpi (afaik) of settings.apk. toss me the icons you want to add and I can whip up a .zip for ya to flash on Monday.

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The icons would be under res/drawable-hdpi (afaik) of settings.apk. toss me the icons you want to add and I can whip up a .zip for ya to flash on Monday.

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Tanknspank thanks for the reply, for a moment I thought I was going to win the "Stump The Board" award. :) I like the set in the Galaxy S theme by Jason6g though I'm not seeing a "Gem Settings" icon in there. I have a folder of all the others from his theme but I'm not real familiar with how to proceed relative to using them. Let me know and I'm happy to do whatever grunt work and thanks again for offering to put together a zip file.
Well, I don't know of a great .zip you could use, and I don't have any on me, so unless someone else can step up, I can't help ya until Monday.

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