Micro USB Camera Extension for Galaxy S4


New Member
Jun 17, 2014
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I have drawn up a schematic for a crude metal detector with a camera at the base, which will be used to search for a particular item in some roadside shrubbery. Using my phone as the display for said camera would be ideal, but I've ran into a slight problem.

I can't find an existing extension for the Galaxy S4.

It's a pretty strange idea to say the least, so I'm wondering if there's anything currently on the market which would save me some time. I'm aiming to build this relatively cheaply though, so the cheaper the better. If there's nothing available, has anybody got any experience in connecting any sort of camera to the Galaxy S4 via Micro USB? I'd attempt the wireless options but I will be out at quite a distance and the use of WiFi may drain my battery life further.

Welcome to the forum Chris

If I understand what you need/want, I don't think there will be a way to do it. Connected cameras would normally allow you to see the camera storage but not the camera's screen. It can be done if the camera is a security (type) camera, typically powered and on a WiFi network, but I don't see it happening with a direct connection.