missing "edit group" option


New Member
Mar 1, 2011
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Ok, I might be missing something, but I have been trying to delete a group on my phone forever but I can't seem to figure out how. When I chose my "fitness" group and I click the menu button in the lower left hand corner, it does not give me the option to edit or delete group. Can someone please help me????
Im having the same problem

Ever since the droid 2 update to 2.3.3 I cant seem to edit my groups, nor can I add people to my existing groups. I need help.
Missing edit group option

Please open your Market app and search for then install a free app called "GO Contacts EX". This is a MUCH more powerful contacts app than the one that came with the phone. Open it up, and go to your Groups and see if you can edit it in the app, if you need help or directions just ask
This does not help - thanks anyway. Apparently there is no way to delete a group. The developers figured that adding a delete button would be too much and figured that no one would ever want to delete a group. If I create the group on my phone, I can delete it, but if it shows up through corporate sync, and I assume through default gmail, then I am s.o.l. - maybe I am missing something and will post this question again throughout various forums all over the world because there is no answer I can find on doing something so simple and important...