Misspelled word correction - The red underlined words that are misspelled - how?


New Member
Jan 6, 2012
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does the spell correct work - it seems sometimes I can lightly tap on the misspelled words (i turn the auto complete spell off)

but 90% of the time if I tap on a red underlined word I get the edit green type cursors...

am I missing how this thing functions or what?

( i asked a friend who has a iphone and he says he has a similar problem, but the dude is an idiot)

oh oh..
okay after sitting down and taking time to figure this out, here is what I have found..

when in text mode and using landscape (sideways) you have to hit the keyboard key so it goes into the small size "see the whole conversation mode" there is where I can then tap on the red underlined word and it will then give me spelling options, it will not let me do that in the bigger window mode...