Miui Music... Blacked Out... Screenshots...

I switched to winamp, have you checked that out.. it is in my section... I am working on alot of stuff right now so it may be awhile before I get this done...
Thanks for the point to winamp. So far I really enjoy it :)

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Yo snead

This will install the Blacked Out Miui Music. It is in addition to any music apps you currently have and will not write over any that you have now.

I just couldn't stand the purple....:)

Install through recovery.....

One known bug is that the widget looks bad in landscape, I believe it is an app thing, I have tried everything to fix it??? Everything else looks good including the widget in portrait....

Fix for landscape widget bug..... don't look at it in landscape...:)

You will need to install the attached zip FIRST!! It will install the stock version then you can flash mine over it.. This will not work unless it is done in this order....

**Link removed, I am currently working on the newest version... will be posted soon..**
Are you going to bring this back out ?
Probably not, go to my section and check out the blacked out winamp. It does all the stuff miui does plus it streams radio... I think you will like it.... I should have a version posted with a smoke widget and a transparent widget...
Yeah u hooked me up a little while back with winamp. I found a transparent muiu in inverted. I just needed a little change up. Thanx for the reply

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