Moto Xoom Price: If you had to choose...


Feb 18, 2010
Reaction score
Long Island
There has been a lot of "uproar" over the RUMORED price of the Xoom. Personally I think the Xoom is priced perfectly and cannot wait to get my hands on one.

However, I would like to know others opinions...

Please keep this in mind:

-The Galaxy Tab goes for $499

-The 32GB iPad goes for $729

-The Xoom is a tablet, NOT a smartphone (so please don't say $199)

AFTER considering those facts...what do you think the price point of the Xoom should be?
You make some great points. I can swallow the Best Buy price of $699 a little easier.

That said, the Galaxy Tab is terribly overpriced and the iPad is consistent with Apple's approach of starting high and slowly bringing down the price. I am choking a bit because the market is established a bit with the iPad. I would have expected new players to enter at lower prices to gain market share. Additionally, with no SDK for Honeycomb available yet, the Xoom is not looking too attractive at launch with little more than stock apps ready to take advantage of the OS.

Just my 2¢.

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See, that I can appreciate. And while it does make sense for new players to come in at a somewhat lower price...which would make sense for a product with similar specs. However, the Xoom is so far superior in specs that the fact that it is priced around that of its predecessor (the iPad) is a gift. In my opinion of course. Also, I am not much of a software developer, but I think it might be difficult to develop software for an OS that isn't released yet...I could be wrong. That's not say that it's not disappointing that there isn't any either...but it comes with good reason.
Sure the Xoom has much greater specs than the iPad. But an iPad 2 is coming, and when it does it will most likely cost the same as what the original iPad cost, and they'll knock a few hundred $ off the old model.

Look at the Droids. Each new one to come out has boasted better specs, yet they have generally all been at $199 w/2 years. That's why I think the whole conversation needs to be generalized instead of looking at just one point in time. $500 worth of tablet today SHOULD get you lower specs and a lesser device than $500 worth of tablet 6 months from now. And the original ipad has been out for awhile...

As for software, the OS doesn't actually have to be released or in public hands for app development, just the SDK.

All that said, I think we're looking at the $700-800 range. And I agree with PearlMikeJam, the lower end of that range will def help make it more attractive at launch...
I'm personally fine with either price. Don't forget that people have no problem paying $550-600 off contract for a smartphone, because they think they're getting a deal by the "discounted" price with 2-year agreement. The reality is that they're paying an additional $720 ($29.99 over 24 months).

BUT, somehow people flip out that the price of the Xoom is $700-800 off contract.

The complaining honestly makes no sense to me, and I'll be getting one on launch day regardless.

PS - The Galaxy Tab was still priced at $650 when Samsung announced that they had sold a million of them.