Motorola Droid Turbo 2 Camera Thread


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Haha it was 79 degrees here yesterday in Atlantic Beach, NC and 54 degrees today. Hope I can see some snow before winters end

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I'd send you some of ours if I could. Seems like winter has been stuck in the north west this year. Lots of snow and lots of cold. Minus 36 wind chill last night.
Finally had some sun the past couple days so that's been nice.

S5 tap'n
Wow man that is some cold weather right there. We haven't had that kind of cold since last winter. It was -4 wind chill with a high of 11. Even the salt water was freezing with no problem

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Yeah, midJanuary thru late February are our coldest months, but it started early this year. We didn't get out of the single digits for highs all week last week. This week has been a little better, but the nighttime lows are brutal.

S5 tap'n
I might be able to deal with it as long as I had a wood stove and the ability to hunt up there and have a garden in the spring/summer. Got to keep the freezer stocked and the canning rack full for those brutal lows

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Lol. Leave my baby bird alone is her hatch day..she's 4..we rescued her ..she was left in the dark and hardly fed or much on those wings lol
Lol I hear you @Mustang02 might need 2 or 3 orders wings there

@94lt1 grate to hear that you rescued her after such a bad past. Always good to rescue an animal and give a warm and caring home. Not very often you get to know their hatch day I imagine she's a lot bigger now that she is eating and drinking right

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She was actual stunted due to not being fed and watered properly....but she has gotten bigger..but after the seizures and all..yes..she's been a greatful and loving little bird..
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Looks like we may have a little winter weather headed our way here in Eastern NC. Our mountains are going to get a good bit but its going to be interesting to see what makes it to us sitting an hour East of Raleigh, NC. Looks like it might be fun once you get away from the city there @sajokaz the ole jeep loves the snow I can imagine. The 4wd can eat the snow alive on a jeep. My Tahoe says a little different with its added weight it sometimes likes to get mired down if it breaks traction.

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