Motorola is cutting 20% of their jobs and getting a whole new identity under Lenovo

Makes perfect business sense if you really think about it and I'm actually surprised to see that it's taken this long to happen. When a company that does one thing buys out a company that does that same thing, there are often people filling the same role for both and there has to be a decision made as to who gets to keep their job when things are officially combined.

Sorry to hear that anyone's losing a job, but this is how business/mergers work.
Normally I agree, but they are cutting from the place driving the launch. Not a wise strategic move to cause such a disruption and distraction on the eve of a launch that shows promise.
Normally I agree, but they are cutting from the place driving the launch. Not a wise strategic move to cause such a disruption and distraction on the eve of a launch that shows promise.
Except that Lenovo own Motorola and now Lenovo is injecting their own tried, tested, and trusted employees into a company that they want to maintain a level of control over.

This move has nothing to do with the recent launch of the new Moto devices and everything to do with consolidating their mobile phone division into something more cohesive. Their may be some struggle and resistance, but if I was running Lenovo, I'd want some of my own people sprinkled throughout my "new" acquisition as well.
I tend to agree with Jonny Kansas for the most part. I kind of saw this coming and can understand why Lenovo would do this. I am happy to read that they are leaving the current COO in place, he has been good to Moto in my opinion. I don't think this will have any effect on the new Moto X phones. They were probably well into development before Lenovo took over. I don't see Lenovo having much to do with the 2015 Moto phones. Next year though....that's a whole new ballgame. What will the 2016 Moto phones look like, function like? That's what I am nervous about ( a little). But I also can't see Lenovo changing the Droid brand too much, not with any input from Verizon. They are still in contract to make more Droid branded phones and Verizon will always have their say in that, no matter who owns Moto.

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Idk..not a lot left of moto anyhow. That's just my opinion..

But I think there's been something in the mix since juat after lenovo got what was left of moto..after Google got everything they needed/wanted...

I think this next line of devices will still be mostly Google moto..from here i guess we'll see where Motorola novo goes...
Actually... they updated that story and it turns out the CEO is not changing. The rest of the info is accurate though. Personally, this news gives me extra confidence in Moto now. This means Lenovo trusts Moto to handle the mobile side of things, and it means they believe in it enough to make some cuts and run it more efficiently.

Maybe I am being too optimistic... :)
Makes perfect business sense if you really think about it and I'm actually surprised to see that it's taken this long to happen. When a company that does one thing buys out a company that does that same thing, there are often people filling the same role for both and there has to be a decision made as to who gets to keep their job when things are officially combined.

Sorry to hear that anyone's losing a job, but this is how business/mergers work.


I've been with organizations that have been bought out by larger entities and as much as the larger entity says they'll do all they can to keep everyone in a job, it just simply can't happen. There ends up being overlap and redundancy so usually in certain areas, someone ends up going.

The company I'm currently at was "just" merged almost 2 years ago and a lot of the "smaller" company's upper management were let go once the official merge date happened. Still see it going on to a much lesser extent to this day; we just lost another one yesterday...
Great comments/points all!

I've come to the conclusion that this makes me want to get the 2015 X even more! Figure if we want Motorola to continue to do what they've been doing the past 2-3+ years, then we better show some support while there is still some resemblance of what they've been doing on their devices! Show some Motorola love/support and let Lenovo see that the masses enjoy a near stock Android experience with minimal, yet useful, additions/tweaks to it! If Motorola continues to "flail", you can rest assured that Lenovo will step in further and change the formula. Because, as many others have said, they are in this to make money after all. And, IMO, the LAST thing we need is yet another manufacturer with an overly skinned, watered down version of Android!

That is all

G4'ed it!
Motorola is taking over Lenovo's mobile division so hopefully the Moto brand will become stronger.
I still think Lenovo will be good for Moto and the mobile phone industry in general. I don't think the pc business they took over from IBM has skipped a beat.

On the other hand, Moto really was the only manufacturer innovating in creative and productive ways (sorry, Sammie, and your edge gimmicks).

But I might be more interested in what Lenovo/Moto are going to do on the tablet front. Kind of funny when you compare the "premium" Android tablets to MS Surface - the lack of true hardware advancement in phones/tablets is really about milking the consumer with underwhelming upgrades that "force" obsolescence in a few years.