Motorola T505


Nov 27, 2009
Reaction score
So, i just about have my heart set on a motorola T505 Bluetooth speakerphone. I have been looking for an option to stream music through my car stereo and also have a bluetooth speakerphone that does not use the phones speaker.

i think the t505 measures up. it mounts on my visor which i like. it autoscans for an fm frequency which im not particularly fond of but i live outside knoxville, TN so it probably wont be that big of an issue.

My question is: does anyone else have any recommendations for me? Maybe a similar product i might have missed.

Thank you all in advance

oh, and i love my :motdroidvert:
I am also considering the T505. It has good reviews on CNET. The only thing that is holding me back is that it will just be something else that needs to be charged & I will use it for at least 3 hours a day.
I have one of these and really like it. The auto-scanning hasn't been problematic and I'm thinking it might not work the way you think it does. Sometimes I hear extraneous radio noise on the channel I'm using and at that point I TELL it to look for the next open channel. I haven't ever had it unilaterally jump off the channel it's on.
i think im gonna order one this week. Does anyone know where i might be able to get a good price on one?
I borrowed a friend's the past few days and lemme tell ya, this thing is amazing. Everything you hear thru the headphones is played thru it, and the previous/forward track buttons work with the Music player only, no Pandora or LastFM. Navigation cuts into the music when it needs to tell you something, and then the music comes right back.
I have one of the earlier production units and use it to get the GPS audio closer to my ears.
It's kind of quirky to setup and operate. Hold this button and that button at the same time and so on. Buts that's only in setup.
I cannot seem to grab it with one hand without pressing two buttons.
Call voice quality is ok on my end and unpredictable on the other. Some times I get listener comments and sometimes not. Worst thing you can do is ask "how do i sound"?

The battery seems to hold a charge pretty well and after a year sitting on a shelf it charged up and still holds.

Originally purchased to go with an env2 it would consistently go unpaired. No problems on the DROID or a blackberry.

It did not get returned. It pairs without any number entry.

Know This > It has great range. If I leave my car with them both paired and go upstairs it will stay active and only ring in the car. I have a Bluetooth toggle button app on my home screen and kill it there. The 505 unit will time off on its own if it doesn't see a device after a while.
Music works ok. and speaker phone over my car system sounds soft or muffled.
voice call

I have the T505 and I used it just fine with my LG env touch.. but when I got the droid, it won't voice call when I push the little telephone icon (it used to say, "say a command" then I would say "call home. then it would dial.. what am I doing wrong.. will the droid not do this????