Moving/Copying Pics From Computer to Droid or Droid to Computer


Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ultimate Goal: Copying/moving pics back and forth between Incredible and computer.

Progress to Date:

I have progressed to being able to hook my phone up to my computer and to get my phone onto Mount As Disk Drive. (That has only taken me three days to accomplish.)

When I do this and go into Windows Explorer, I see that two new drives appear: Drives M and N. I assume I am now looking at what is on my phone - there are about 12 directories on Drive N and they all seem to relate to Droid files and folders. Drive M only has three files on it - two .bmp image files and a modem installer.

Problem is - there is no DCIM folder showing anywhere on either Drive M or N. I know that there should be a DCIM folder somewhere in there because that's where you store pics. Furthermore, my phone came with a dozen or so pics already on the phone and I have taken several photos which I can also view. So I know they are stored somewhere. But I am as yet unable to find where.

Accordingly, I am stuck. I can't find the pics on the Droid to copy them to the computer and I can't find a place to put the pics I want to copy onto the phone from the computer.

What do I do next? (And please don't just tell me what to do - also tell me HOW to do it.)

Any and all help greatly appreciated!
one of my only folders on the internal drive is DCIM. it's very weird if yours isnt there. do you have bluetooth on your computer? that's a pretty easy way to send photos around.
one of my only folders on the internal drive is DCIM. it's very weird if yours isnt there. do you have bluetooth on your computer? that's a pretty easy way to send photos around.

I have a Droid Incredible. I bought it a week ago. It came with photos on it. I have taken several photos. I can view all photos in the phone. There is an SD card physically installed in the phone.

Why am I unable to see a DCIM directory on the phone? Where are the pics stored that I am able to view - shouldn't they be in a DCIM direcory on the phone?

I don't think I have Bluetooth on my computer - even if I did, that's not the point. Everything I have seen so far indicates to me that I should be able to pass photos back and forth between my phone and my computer. I have been posting "how do I do this" questions on this forum for a solid week and, so far, no one has even come close to providing an answer. This is pretty basic stuff - I find it hard to believe that I can't do it with my phone and my computer. Isn't there someone out there who can tell me how to do it? Hmmmm????
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Ummmm, can't really think of a reason of why you wouldn't have a DCIM folder in either of those drives. Try going into your camera applications settings and see if the storage is set to "SD" or to "phone storage".

But as for adding pics onto your Incredible, you can simple create a "pictures" folder in either one of those drives and start dragging and dropping. Once you unmount your phone, the incredible will automatically detect that you have new pictures and will place them in your gallery application.
Ummmm, can't really think of a reason of why you wouldn't have a DCIM folder in either of those drives. Try going into your camera applications settings and see if the storage is set to "SD" or to "phone storage".

But as for adding pics onto your Incredible, you can simple create a "pictures" folder in either one of those drives and start dragging and dropping. Once you unmount your phone, the incredible will automatically detect that you have new pictures and will place them in your gallery application.

Well, then, what's a DCIM folder for? I thought the only purpose of a DCIM folder was to hold pictures.
Well by default the DCIM folder is where your Camera pictures/videos will go. It's just the folder structure that digital cameras use.
Hey I don't know if this helps but on m1 the DCIM is on the sdcard. sdcard/dcim ...
Well by default the DCIM folder is where your Camera pictures/videos will go. It's just the folder structure that digital cameras use.

Then why can't I see it on my Droid? I have pictures which I can view. From that, I would assume they are where they are supposed to be, in the DCIM folder. I sure as heck didn't put them anywhere else. In fact, I didn't do anything except take one picture. The others came with the camera.

I am beginning to suspect I am not doing something right when I hook up to the computer and try to take a look at what's on the phone via Windows Explorer. (I am running Vista Home on my computer.)
When I attach m1 to XP computer its wants to install drivers etc...but on Droid in the upper part of screen you should be able to allow connection with PC without the drivers. It will (if like m1) act like a jump drive. Then use explorer
How about we start from the beginning:

-take pictures/video with Droid
-plug phone into computer
-on Droid select "mount disk drive"
-you will get 2 pop up Windows on computer saying it found a new drive
-select "view with Windows explorer" (with both drives)
-now in one of those two drives you will fond a DCIM folder with other sub folders in them... THIS is where the pictures you just took will be

To add pics:
-on disk drive that opened in windows explorer create a new folder called "pictures"
-drag and drop pics from computer into that folder
-on Droid open Gallery app
When I attach m1 to XP computer its wants to install drivers etc...but on Droid in the upper part of screen you should be able to allow connection with PC without the drivers. It will (if like m1) act like a jump drive. Then use explorer

What is m1?

I am running Vista Home, not XP.

What is a jump drive?

What do you mean "conncection with PC without the drivers"?
How about we start from the beginning:

-take pictures/video with Droid
-plug phone into computer
-on Droid select "mount disk drive"
-you will get 2 pop up Windows on computer saying it found a new drive
-select "view with Windows explorer" (with both drives)
-now in one of those two drives you will fond a DCIM folder with other sub folders in them... THIS is where the pictures you just took will be

To add pics:
-on disk drive that opened in windows explorer create a new folder called "pictures"
-drag and drop pics from computer into that folder
-on Droid open Gallery app

This is the most helpful information I have received yet. Thank you.

I can get to where I am looking at the two drives in Windows Explorer but, when I do, DCIM does not appear anywhere on either of them. I have just been closing the pop-up window that comes up when I hook the phone up to the computer - maybe that's why. I will try it again, this time making a selection in that window as you have suggested. Maybe then the DCIM directory will appear.

I gather that, in order to copy pics from computer to phone, I have to create a new directory ("Pictures") to receive them whereas, in copying pics from phone to computer, I copy them out of the DCIM folder on the phone and do not have to create any new folder - is that right?
If your willing to drop down a dollar and have a computer hooked up to internet, or better wifi then download webshare. Turns your phone into a media server accessible by any comp on the same wifi via web address. It also works over 3g and non wifi connected computer but its obviously slower. Everything is done wirelessly and it is very convenient. It sorts in tabs music, photos, videos, or just the sd card.

I hope this helps
Pictures on Droid

I assume you want the pictures physically on the Droid and the previous response works well for that. But if you just want access to them you can add photographs to your gmail account by uploading directly or using picasa and these will be accessable in your Gallery. Also I have found the easiest way to get files on my phone is to use the Dropbox App. Drop it into the folder on your computer and access it on your phone.