Multiple Notifications for GMail


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC
I noticed I was getting multiple notifications when getting a new email in my GMail account. I'd see both the "New GMail email" notification icon, and the "New Email" notification icon. Swiping down the notification showed two entries: "New Gmail EMail (1)" and "New Email (GMail) (1)".

The reason for this is pretty simple. When you setup the phone it will automatically setup your GMail account into the GMail app. But a lot of people like the combined inbox and features of the Email app. I added my GMail to the Email app (having never realized the GMail app had my email setup already), thus getting two notifications.

I removed the account from the GMail app, and now I only get one notification.

I don't know if not having your GMail account in the GMail app has any ramifications to phone functionality, but so far so good!

I am having a similar problem. I set up and AOL IMAP account on the phone.

I get GHOST notifications. It says I have new mail, but I don't. The notifications come at random.

Anybody else having issues with ghost notifications with IMAP accounts?


I also closed one of them (er, changed the settings to not receive notification for the "black" screen gmail). It was getting kind of annoying having two pop up every time.
Duplicate emails

I think the issues is with using universal inbox may be why you are receiving the duplicate emails. I am still working on why I receive 2-4 notifications at one time when a single email comes in!
If anyone has any advice on how to remove the multiple notifications I would be so happy, nothing worse than sitting there and here chng-ch-ch-chng for 1 stinking email! LOL
I'm kind of having the same issue... The HTC app and gmail app notifies me of new mail, but I would prefer to use only the gmail app if possible. The only problem I'm having with that app is that I can't figure out how to read the entire email that was sent if I'm replying to it. If that makes any sense...

I forget stuff... even if I have just read it let alone reading it, having to set my phone down and coming back to it later. When I do have to come back to it later, I click on the email in my inbox but it doesn't show the entire email, so I don't know exactly what I'm replying to.

Help? Or am I hopeless?
I also closed one of them (er, changed the settings to not receive notification for the "black" screen gmail). It was getting kind of annoying having two pop up every time.

This worked for me! Thanks! I just disabled the notification option in the GMAIL app and am using the EMAIL app with Yahoo (as secondary email) and only get a notification once for my gmail emails.