Music Player

Better yet just uninstall you task killer. Its really not needed

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I normally would disagree with this but with the Droid pro there has only been a few times I had to use the task killer, I say if you have any task killer that you downloaded, get rid of it but, I'm sure Motorola shipped with their own task killer on this phone for a reason, so I say keep the one that came with the phone but dont have it set up to auto kill any programs, just use it when you cant exit it out of a program. (There was a game that would cause my phone to act sluggish, I couldn't quit the program so I'd use the task killer to force the program to quit)
another thread claimed that you had to be rooted to uninstall the stock task manager. Hopefully the contradictory advice on this thread proves correct.
all you need to do is make sure "Gallery" is not set to shut down. Music will play as long as you have battery.
Is there something that I deleted? Was there a stock app for music? Did it change?
Is there something that I deleted? Was there a stock app for music? Did it change?

Yeah it changed a little while back, when Google changed the name of the market to Play Store. The music player was changed to Play Music.
I just got the Razr Maxx last week and love the phone so far. Coming from the Thunderbolt, which was good but the battery life just killed it for me. For some reason, whenever I try to listen to music using the built in speaker the phone freezes for a little while and then works only most of the time. At times, a song will play and then it will freeze again.

First, is anyone else having this issue and, if so, have you solved the problem. Second, are there any good third party music player applications that can handle all the music on my 32GB memory card?

Go into settings, apps, manage apps, all, scroll down to the music player and tap on it, clear data and force close it. Then try it again. Hope this helps... its even easier if you're on ics... also, reboot the phone when you're done.

As far as music players, I like power amp. Its 5$ for the unlocked version in the play store, there is a trial version to try it out... I love it. I use it every day. :)

I used to like Winamp until I discovered some BT music/phone call bugs. Switched to Poweramp, and no problems.

Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using Droid Forums
I've been using power amp for months and love it was worth the least I think so.
Poweramp is king, poorest UI, but the sound quality is quite superior and unlike anything the others can deliver

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