My browser downloads keep failing??



My market downloads work, but trying to download from the browser doesn't work?? Any ideas..
Is it a specific site, cause I just tested it and things download fine for me.
And did you do a restore with TB or another app when you upgraded/switched roms?

Sent from my ZombieStomped DROID2 using DroidForums
No its all sites, and I just backup with gmail and backupassistant..
Install Download All Files from the market and try again...can't hurt, might help.

Just downloaded a 6MB file w/out issue from mediafire...
Install Download All Files from the market and try again...can't hurt, might help.

Just downloaded a 6MB file w/out issue from mediafire...

There's nothing for them to reinstall off the market except their apps, they're talking about the stock browser. Unless i'm mistaken.
Install Download All Files from the market and try again...can't hurt, might help.

Just downloaded a 6MB file w/out issue from mediafire...

There's nothing for them to reinstall off the market except their apps, they're talking about the stock browser. Unless i'm mistaken.

It's a mime handler, like a browser plug in to support file downloads, could help...
Download a third party browser...I use dolphin and love it

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I use the app "Download all Files" from the market it allows me to download all files, even .zip
Weird, the link doesn't work in my app, but it works in the browser lol