Nandroid Error Codes

What file? It doesn't allow me to backup or restore, simple or advanced. I've used it before and have a backup, but I can't do anything with it....

Srry I'm not sure what I was thinking when I responded..did u see my post about a page back about titanium backup?

Yeah, deleted Titanium Backup and the Folder on the SD Card in the root directory
Not sure what you mean....should I reinstall rom manager? I'm thinking this may have been what caused the issue. I never used rom manager after I installed it, what do I need to do?
Not sure what you mean....should I reinstall rom manager? I'm thinking this may have been what caused the issue. I never used rom manager after I installed it, what do I need to do?

open rom manager up and youll find an option to reflash your recovery to either sprecovery or the current clockwork recovery. do that, then when you get the "flashed successfully" dialog, reboot into recovery and see if you can make a backup.
I reinstalled Rom Manager, there is no option to install SPRecovery. There is an option to Flash Alternate Recovery, but it shows ther is no alternate recovery available and the option is grayed out. Any ideas how I make this available?
Hmm mine shows the same thing. I don't recall it being that way, but maybe if you flash clockwork the alternate recovery option will be available..maybe someone can shed some light on this?
I have a rooted Droid and I installed RM so that I could assist others. However, I keep SPR installed. For me, when I open Rm and scroll to the bottom under the More Recoveries it displays "Flash Alternate Recovery" and No alternative recovery available.

Perhaps I'm wrong but I believe this is grayed out because I already have SPR installed/flashed.

If you want to return to CW scroll to the top and tap Flash ClockWork recovery.

Hope this is helpful.

Let us know how you make out.

How long does a simple nandroid backup take? I am rooted, Droid 1. I did the SPR recovery. My phone has been "attempting nandroid default backup" for a while now. I wiped the cache and data prior to doing the backup.
Did you wipe before making a backup?? If so you're not really backing up anything.

If you are trying to do a simple restore it doesn't take long and you should pull the battery and try it again.

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Did you wipe before making a backup?? If so you're not really backing up anything.

If you are trying to do a simple restore it doesn't take long and you should pull the battery and try it again.

Sent from somewhere...

Thanks. i got it to work. Now I'm trying to flash a kernel. I'm doing this off of furbearingmammal's so you're rooted, what now? I have the kernel sip file. I have put it on the SD card but now I need to rename it to file. Problem is that I already changed another file when I rooted to the exact same thing. I thought all zip files renamed on SD card need to be "" not update(2).zip. Or is it ok that way. i used Moto how to for rooting.
You either delete or rename old update.zips no need to keep them once flashed.

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I don't know if this one has been covered in the alst few pages...

I tried to backup using the name "UD2.5-stableflash" and got status error 32, renamed it to "UD2.5s" and it backed it up fine.