Need a little help


New Member
Jan 30, 2013
Reaction score
I rooted my phone with vroot and root checker says that the phone is rooted. When I try to install safestrap, it says not rooted! What can I do to fix this? Also it seems like super su isn't working right. I'm kinda new to this and would appreciate any help that I can get! Thanks in advance!
Download an app called Root checker to absolutely confirm you are rooted and let us know back here!
Root checker said I was rooted, but SS said I wasn't. I finally got rooted today using kingo 1.1.8 and everything is perfect! I had been trying 1.1.6 with no luck at all, but as soon as I tried .8 all was good. I will say that it did take about 30 minutes for it to finally get to the root screen on kingo, but it did and that's all that matters! Thanks for ur reply!