Need help choosing a case and screen protector for my Droid.

Cracked screen... OUCH.

I dropped mine on a tile floor the other day and nearly had a heart attack. No damage. I wish the thing had a place to put a lanyard. My old phone had it and I never dropped it while I had the wrist lanyard attached.

Still - screen covers FTW! dancedroid

otter box on the case. As for screen protector i just use the verizon store stuff. No problems to date, not very hard on phone. Would never consider not having some type of screen protector.
I just went to the verizon store to pick up some new screen protectors, as I just moved and can't find the other two I had left. They changed the design and the new ones only cover the visible part of the screen.

The new design sucks, I returned them 5 minutes after I bough them. well go to find my old spares I got from Verizon, or go for some of the Steinheil Crystals