Need help with calendar


New Member
Jan 30, 2014
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Hi -

I just got my Galaxy S3 mini a few days ago and I am totally new to smartphones in general, so please forgive me if this is a stupid question. I figured out how to add events and tasks to the calendar on the phone, but I noticed that the U.S. holidays are not automatically listed on the calendar. Is there an easy way to do this? I'd hate to have to add everything myself.

Thank you.
Okay, so with the link I was able to add the holidays to the Google calendar on my computer. Thank you. And it seems that the events I entered on my phone carried over to the calendar on my computer, so that's good. But, the holidays still do not show up on the calendar on my phone. How do I make that happen?
If you are using the Samsung calendar you have to open the calendar, hit the menu button, and just check the us holiday box.
Got it! Thanks to you both for your help.