need help with editing quick contacts.


New Member
Aug 22, 2010
Reaction score
hey everyone ive had my phone for about a week now and the other day i added a quick contact that i didn't want in the tabs. im not sure how i edit the quick contacts to remove them. im talking about the little tab buttons on the right from the home screen by default. if any one could help that would be great thanks.
I'm new at this too....I think you just push on the icon for a second then drag it to the bottom of the screen a trash can will appear and the icon will turn red. Let your finger go and presto it should disappear!
Yep, then when you want to put a new one in, just hold on the screen, and select Motorola widgets, then choose the Contact Quick Tasks option, and you should be able to select which contact you want.
can't find widgets

When I press and hold the screen, all I get is wallpaper choices. Where are the widgets?
I too am looking to put quick links back.
When I press and hold the screen, all I get is wallpaper choices. Where are the widgets?
I too am looking to put quick links back.

Try hitting the menu button, there might be an "add to homescreen" option. In the future you should start your own thread if you have a question or need help, this one is over two years old.
Unfortunately not. That wasn't an option in menu. I reposted a more detailed question per your suggestion.
Awaiting a response. Thanks for your interest.