Need help with rooting my X


New Member
Jul 2, 2012
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Ok, let's get the prelims out of the way. First I searched the forums for this issue but was unable to find anything. That being said I am human and may have missed something so please forgive if that is the case. Next, I am an experienced software engineer so there should be no need to go over the obvious stuff, i.e. is the phone plugged in, is debugging mode turned on, is USB mode set to charge only etc (but I won't be offended if you do mention the obvious stuff). Finally I have rooted and deodexed a DX previously using the same methods and it worked flawlessly.

Quick backstory: Had a DX, rooted it, deodexed it, life was glorious, killed DX, paid $100 for a insurance replacement from Assurion. New DX came with Gingerbread and latest firmware. A year later trying to root so I can load the CM 9 beta.

What's the problem?
So I have tried two versions of the same rooting process. V1 one is the manual version with adb command line pushing su, SuperUser.apk, rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin etc. V2 is essentially the same accept using the DoRootForWindows single click package with the doroot.bat file. Both version fail in the same place. Basically pushing everything and running the .bin file all work great the problem happens when I get booted out of adb. Once that happens adb never sees the device again unless I reboot the phone but of course if I reboot the phone the work that was done by the .bin files goes away. I have tried rebooting the computer, restarting the command prompt, and changing the USB connection mode but the device never shows up again which prevents me from completing the process. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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Forgot to mention that

So originally I was going to load the CM7 which has support for the DX so as per their wiki instructions, found here I reverted the firmware back to 2.3.340. Now after reading your post I am not entirely sure if I had the .621 previously or not since I was able to revert to 2.3.340. What direction should I go from here?
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If you successfully went backwards then you were not on .621.

Sent from my AOKP'd DROID X
i am having same problem....i already posted once elsewhere....but i just keep looking and this time i thought i'd copy and paste the actual logs so here goes HELP!!!

* DROID 3 Easy Root script v7
* Please make sure you meet these pre-requisites:
* (a) install the correct driver
* (b) turn on USB debugging (on your phone under Settings -> Applications)

* (c) plug in your phone and set your USB mode to 'charging only'
* Note: your phone will reboot twice during this procedure. This is normal.
Press any key to continue . . .
* Waiting for your phone to be connected...
ADB server didn't ACK
* failed to start daemon *
* Running exploit [part 1 of 3]...
* Rebooting the phone... please wait.
* Running exploit [part 2 of 3]...
failed on '/data/local.prop' - Permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
cannot create /data/local.prop: permission denied
* Rebooting the phone... please wait.
* Running exploit [part 3 of 3]...
remount failed: Operation not permitted
failed to copy 'busybox' to '/system/xbin/busybox': Read-only file system
failed to copy 'su' to '/system/xbin/su': Read-only file system
failed to copy 'Superuser.apk' to '/system/app/Superuser.apk': Read-only file sy
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/su: No such file or directory
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
Unable to chmod /data: Operation not permitted