need new keyboard for droid x help please


New Member
Jan 8, 2011
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ok so i use to have an lg voyager for 2 years before i got my beloved droird x. i love everything about this phone except the keyboard. the space bar is just not big enough and the space bar on my keyboard on the voyager is where the period buttion is on the X. and its also just hard to reach over that far to hit the space bar. so my texts and it annoys the **** outta me to constantly go back and delete the periods to use spaces.

so my question is, is there any way to customize my keyboard to make the space bar be where it is and also where the period button is so i just have on big ass space bar? or are there any apps that allow me to customize where my keys are and what butons go where?

thanks in advance
Loot into the HTC_IME keyboard as well.

Yeah, yeah.. I'm on my phone. So?