Netflix Has Been Throttling AT&T and Verizon Streams to 360P


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Oct 6, 2011
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In a crazy turn of events today we found out that... Netflix has been throttling streams to 360p across many carriers. AT&T and Verizon are just a few carriers that have been throttled by Netflix. This all came out after T-Mobile CEO stated in a video advertising Binge-On that Netflix streamed at a DVD-like 480p on T-Mobile while AT&T and Verizon customers are throttled down to 360p.

This was news to AT&T and Verizon. Verizon addressed this earlier today. They attacked Legere for the claims stating they have not throttled Netflix traffic. This forced Netflix to address the situation. They informed the Wall Street Journal that they have been throttling AT&T and Verizon customers as a way to protect consumers from themselves. The idea is that the majority of consumers on these networks are on a limited data plan and as such probably shouldn't be streaming 1080p videos on a regular basis.

As you could imagine AT&T was pretty outraged by this revelation. They would like to be able to charge customers with overage fees... I mean they would like for their customers to be able to have the same high quality video on their network as on other networks. Netflix says they will soon give subscribers more control of how they use their own data.

via Netflix
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In a crazy turn of events today we found out that

Netflix has been throttling streams to 360p across many carriers. AT&T and Verizon are just a few carriers that have been throttled by Netflix. This all came out after T-Mobile CEO stated in a video advertising Binge-On that Netflix streamed at a DVD-like 480p on T-Mobile while AT&T and Verizon customers are throttled down to 360p.

This was news to AT&T and Verizon. Verizon addressed this earlier today. They attacked Legerge for the claims stating they have not throttled Netflix traffic.
This forced Netflix to address the situation. They informed the Wall Street Journal that they have been throttling AT&T and Verizon customers as a way to protect consumers from themselves. The idea is that the majority of consumers on these networks are on a limited data plan and as such probably shouldn't be streaming 1080p videos on a regular basis.

As you could imagine AT&T was pretty outraged by this revelation. They would like to be able to charge customers with overage fees... I mean they would like for their customers to be able to have the same high quality video on their network as on other networks. Netflix says they will soon give subscribers more control of how they use their own data.

via Netflix
Read this earlier on another site, thanks for covering it here.

Definitely not a good look even if they were trying to protect the users from themselves.

Att is mad because of all the potential money they lost out on.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
Lol Verizon and att had no idea, I believe this ....ha ha ha

Sent from my STV100-1 using Tapatalk
I haven't noticed any throttling or poor picture quality issues.
All videos stream at 1080p whether through the Netflix app or hotspot.
(Knock on wood)

S5 tap'n