YouTube is Claiming that T-Mobile is Throttling Streaming Video Services


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

If you are one of the folks out there who think that T-Mobile's "Binge-On" service might be a "slight of hand" trick, (almost like a shell-game), designed to circumvent net neutrality rules, then your perspective might be vindicated very soon. YouTube has come out recently in talks with the Wall Street Journal indicating that T-Mobile is throttling their video streaming services.

Apparently it isn't just YouTube's streaming either. From what YouTube/Google (and some other services) said, T-Mobile is basically throttling all video streaming because of their Binge On program. That means even services like Hulu, Netflix & HBO Go are being throttled, creating a virtual tiered system that skirts the new net neutrality rules. T-Mobile's defense is that users can stop the throttling if they simply turn off their Binge On in their account settings.

It's not just YouTube/Google making this claim either. It was actually first reported by a consumer advocacy group called The Internet Association (of which Google is also a member). They shared that T-Mobile’s new practice “appears to involve throttling of all video traffic, across all data plans, regardless of network congestion.” A Google spokesperson had this to say, “Reducing data charges can be good for users, but it doesn’t justify throttling all video services, especially without explicit user consent."

On top of this, T-Mobile didn't include YouTube in their Binge On program for a very suspicious reason. T-Mobile claims they excluded YouTube because of a technical limitation of the carrier. They said they needed further cooperation from YouTube in identifying what was, or wasn’t, a video stream. It's hard not to see that excuse as completely arbitrary nonsense.

We want to give T-Mobile the benefit of the doubt, but something smells fishy. It will be interesting to see how this issue evolves.
T-Mobile be in the hot seat yet again. They'll probably get YT on the list sooner or later. The reason is a bit sketchy, I agree, but if they want to be the Un-carrier, they will do it!

*cue Shia LeBeuf clip*

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Hmm, i cant say I'm surprised. This is one of the arguments raised during the NN debates.

I understand there is nstaafl but to throttle people. So let me get this straight, carriers made a stink about how UDP were sucking up the bandwidth so they needed to throttle the data hogs so not to slow everyone else, and as a result they throttled the UDP people until they went to a share plan. Now carriers are throttling those on shared plans?

Say it isn't so.

I'm not going to argue for or against data hogs, I am just saying I'm not feeling like the carriers are the ones being cheated.

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I don't recall exactly how it was worded but when I was looking at T Mobile I did read in the find print about Binge On.... It mentioned about quality being limited to 480p I believe and that higher res. may be limited to certain limitations.....

Again I am going off from something I read 2 weeks ago so the wording is rather limited. IMO, TMobile forcing 480p is throttling to a certain degree, but not in the sense that other carriers are doing. As long as that 480p stream doesn't buffer, its IMO just fine for my phone screen. I have no doubt others will disagree with me but I just had to downgrade to having 2GB for each of our devices due to my wife losing her job. We lost our 2 lines unlimited everything which sucks but at the same time...we never went over 1GB of 'other data' that isn't part of the normal Uncarrier services.

For me, I'm ok with that limitation. I don't agree with any of the reasoning carriers talk about when it comes to bandwidth and what not...thats a limitation of them improving their network.
Hmm, i cant say I'm surprised. This is one of the arguments raised during the NN debates.

I understand there is nstaafl but to throttle people. So let me get this straight, carriers made a stink about how UDP were sucking up the bandwidth so they needed to throttle the data hogs so not to slow everyone else, and as a result they throttled the UDP people until they went to a share plan. Now carriers are throttling those on shared plans?

Say it isn't so.

I'm not going to argue for or against data hogs, I am just saying I'm not feeling like the carriers are the ones being cheated.

Sent from my Nexus 6

I've got a feeling that T-mob will come out and say that this was due to a technical error in their system. The fact that YouTube isn't even part of the Binge-On program has a lot to say about this. If their streams are being throttled then T-Mob is at fault, plain and simple. I'm just curious what they will do to cover it up if that is the case. If the program works as it is intended and is only for people who turn the service on, and only works with "x" websites that opted into the program, i don't see any problem with that, but if they are forcing all streaming services into being throttled, they gonna get smacked by the FCC.
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Throttling means more buffering. Optimizing means lower picture quality with no buffering while using less data to push through the lower quality images .
If you want 1080p on a 5" display it's gonna use more data. If you are like me and don't really need to see pimples and other skin flaws but still get to see the hilarity or how the to fix my vehicle then it's no big deal.
When I was with Verizon I knew what buffering was big time because my signal was so craptacular a 30 second video would take 5 minutes, or more, to watch because so many had no way to lower the quality or I'd have to wait forever for it to register the lowering, buffer forever again then stream the low quality version. I personally don't have a problem with what T-Mobile is doing.

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