New distro issues on Z5


New Member
Aug 8, 2017
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Current Phone Model
sony Z5 compact
Hi All,
I have recently updated to the latest version of android on my Sony Z5 compact and am experiencing the following issues
1. cannot delete photos on phone
2. phone randomly deletes screensaver settings
3. cannot D/L & Install new apps
4. also cannot make a backup on my laptop
any thoughts on where I should start to resolve these issues will be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks in advance

Tony :confused:
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Welcome Tony. Have you rebooted the phone since installing the new Android OS?

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
have rebooted several times and yes, it was the official update.
I get the error 505 when trying to install new apps
Maybe check out this video on You Tube with some possible fixes. Many people say to always do a Factory Reset (FDR) after a new OS update, but hopefully you will not have to go that far. It is always an option though; just be advised that it removes ALL personal data (pics, files, music, etc.) so make sure they are backed up somewhere before doing a FDR. But first, maybe this video will help?

so to update.......after a bit of digging around on the interwebs and messing around with my phone and the associated sony bridge for mac S/W it seems it is a combination of both. So now.....
1. Have completely uninstalled SBfM
2. Installed the latest Sony Xperia Companion S/W
3. Am currently making a back up of all phone settings/contact/etc
4. Will attempt to repair phone S/W through the Sony S/W
5. reinstall settings form back up

Will report back in the next day or so as to the success of this process.

Muchos thanks

Tony :eek:
Hope all goes well for you Tony!

Sent from my XT1650 using Tapatalk
Maybe check out this video on You Tube with some possible fixes. Many people say to always do a Factory Reset (FDR) after a new OS update, but hopefully you will not have to go that far. It is always an option though; just be advised that it removes ALL personal data (pics, files, music, etc.) so make sure they are backed up somewhere before doing a FDR. But first, maybe this video will help?

never heard of that :) I always heard to make a backup prior to a new os update. I never do either. the last major update was a surprised. just thought it was a security update, then the next thing I knew, my phone had nougant on it :)