New Phone today


Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I got my new Razr Maxx Hd today, Verizon swopped me for my 5 th D4 that was bad, so far I really like it a lot
I first got a small update then WOW an update that took an hour and a half on 4G it was so big it was crazy
shows Android version 4.1.1 now is that JB or what? also says system version 9.1.41.XT926 en.US
gonna be a little learning curve coming from a D4
Congrats on the phone.. Welcome aboard.. JB it is for sure..

《Take Note2 BK's here..》
I think you will like your new phone. I love mine--especially the battery. Good luck!
Just got mine Saturday, previously RAZR maxx, you'll love it.
That's fine, mine is second day delivery so I won't be affected by the ice, haha. The most frustrating part is that my phone is at the fed ex facility at the Indy airport. I'm at work right now 10 minutes from there but have to wait until tomorrow. Drove by there twice already grrr, lol.
Yeah, they won't release them, says so in you're email.
My FedEx dude cruises by a 9 in the morning, didn't get mine til 2. Poo. That was my RAZR. Got it a day before general public (11/11/11). But was a FedEx a week prior.
Tell my where it's at and I'll call in a false alarm and you can bust down the door with an axe and search for it. Lol
Didn't mean to jinx you, sorry.

"stroped" of my razr maxx, poo.