NEW ROM.!! The Goods v-1.0


Senior Member
Jan 27, 2010
Reaction score
***I take no credit for this work, except for compiling it and such.. but it was only made possible through the work of many great DEVS, so thank you all, whether i used some of you things in this ROM, or whether you were just an Inspiration..***
thank you..

The theme for this rom is a modified smoked glass framework..

will add instructions here soon, for now click link to get download.!!

check back around 930 or 10 for instructions and eveything else to be placed here..

for now CLICK HERE.!!
downloaded and gave a try, very cool start up
like the fonts, looks really cool
then downhill........ camera wont open gallery takes forever to load pics
lots of force closes.............
really a bummer cause it looks really neat but way too slow
downloaded and gave a try, very cool start up
like the fonts, looks really cool
then downhill........ camera wont open gallery takes forever to load pics
lots of force closes.............
really a bummer cause it looks really neat but way too slow

Camera apk, was known to FC I put that in for the camcorder part, working onn removing just camera, as far as the gallery, the first load is always slow on every rom I've used.. what else have there been problems with
Also this is my first rom,and only v 1.0 so don't expect anything. To be perfect.. working on improving.. :)
you said in your OP that there would be does anyone know what version OS this, 2.0.1? 2.1? I don't get it...
you said in your OP that there would be does anyone know what version OS this, 2.0.1? 2.1? I don't get it...

In the OP's beginning post it say in big letters click HERE. When you click on the link it's all there in front of you FYI its 2.0.1
Not putting you down at all, like I said I really like this one and want it to work
just that at first it wouldnt see my card at all did 2 reboots then it did
then after long time it loads the gallery but force closed couple times
then each time after was still slow (other roms it loads fast)
overall performance is slow running, my stock runs 3 times as fast
will keep my eye on this rom and see what its future holds
like i said very cool looking though, good luck
No problem man, I appreciate any and all feedback, I'm not sure y you had so many problems, I did a complete wipe and applied and first boot is slow, galllery loads slow first time but after that I have no problems and I did notice it is choppy and slow at first, so after booting if u just leaave it alone for a min or so it works great, and sd card does take a bit longer to load..

Thanks for all feedback, I'm working to fix problems.. please leave all feedback, please.. thanks..

Also how does everyone like the modified theme I implimented..
No problem man, I appreciate any and all feedback, I'm not sure y you had so many problems, I did a complete wipe and applied and first boot is slow, galllery loads slow first time but after that I have no problems and I did notice it is choppy and slow at first, so after booting if u just leaave it alone for a min or so it works great, and sd card does take a bit longer to load..

Thanks for all feedback, I'm working to fix problems.. please leave all feedback, please.. thanks..

Also how does everyone like the modified theme I implimented..
Ok.. downloading now.. playing xbox too so might not be able to post back right away, but going to test it out tonight to see how it goes and get back to ya.. :)
Ok off the gate love the boot animation but after it ran I went to black screen for about 15 secs before it booted up. Of course this was installed on a clean wipe system. The look is nice. Like the colors and the mix with the hex theme. The fonts I like but just not my thing. Ran alright. Found some slowness in loading apps. Wallpaper worked fine. Su worked fine. WiFi did not work. Not sure about tether since WiFi wasn't working anyways I didn't try tether. Overall though good start. I only worry cause more ROMs these days are moving over to the new 2.1 builds made for Droid. Don't want yours to become dated in comparison. But over all you are doing great. Needs a little tightening up but heck I know how the growing pains go with your first run. Will keep an eye out for more to come. Keep up the good work. :)