New to DC. First Impressions


Jan 25, 2010
Reaction score
I just finally got around to DC after previously running:

CM6, SS5.2, GPA14, GPA15RC, GPA15.

Had enough minor nits with GPA15 that it was time to try DC. I did a clean install (wiped everything) and it booted right up.

1. Not sure I like all the hand-written text theme so I'll have to look at themes (will they require a re-install?)

2. On each boot the screen is off. I see DC dots, mainly a black screen and then the time comes up within the black and that sits there (with notification bar too) until the screen blacks out and then I restore. Then it's fine.

3. Weatherbug is unable to locate to update the temp/weather.

4. Google Maps can't find me either.

5. Battery's been charging for some time now but still says 60% as it did when I started charging.

So far that's it for issues. Everything else is good after an hour in. Any ideas on the above issues?
How many times did you wipe and what recovery are you using?
I wiped the system and the cache once each.

I'll be damned if I can recall what the name of the recovery is. I think it's the most common one with Nandroid built-in. I did that so long ago I've forgotten and it just works. Clockworx?
Wipe about 6 times coming from those versions of Gingerbread and try again.....

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For the location stuff my WiFi was off. Now with it on both Weatherbug and Google Maps are running great.
So what about the theme question? Are the available themes add-ons or do they require full installs of the entire package (and thus what I should wipe again before installing)?
No don't wipe if you are flashing a just flashing will do it. It sounds like your more wanting to change the font than the whole theme I think Woody has a font zip you can apply to change in original post.
No don't wipe if you are flashing a just flashing will do it. It sounds like your more wanting to change the font than the whole theme I think Woody has a font zip you can apply to change in original post.

Good news. The font is the big one but heck, some of these themes look pretty darned impressive.
woody has the stock font file in the op of the beta version thread, as far as the screen shots for my themes, they will show whatever font im using, i typically dont include any font changes in my themes, so whatever you have prior to installing one of my themes is the font that will remain..however if there is any interest in different fonts, i can always include those in my themes.
woody has the stock font file in the op of the beta version thread, as far as the screen shots for my themes, they will show whatever font im using, i typically dont include any font changes in my themes, so whatever you have prior to installing one of my themes is the font that will remain..however if there is any interest in different fonts, i can always include those in my themes. you need not wipe anything before flashing any of my themes, i have everything seperated out so the main theme file will apply over what you already have installed, as well as the google apps, then i have multiple optional themed apps that i prefer to post by them selves because i know not everyone uses them. pm me if you need any input:)

along with wiping your data and cache several times, i also suggest formatting boot and formatting system in the partitions menu, then go to the advanced menu and reboot recovery before installing a rom...this is my routine anyway, and it may be a little overkill, but i seldom have any problems when coming from one rom to another..
I tried the stock font and that works perfectly for me. Now debating on the gold theme.
FYI, so far I'm nearly through the first weekend (and about 4 days of use) and so far this is the best ROM I've had with the system. I've got some errant notifications to track down but this could be me (missed call notification I swear I've turned off twice but it's always flashing).