New Trent IMP1000 11000 MAH Battery Charger


New Member
Mar 16, 2012
Reaction score
Love this thing! Charges fast and is super reliable. Takes about 7 hours to fully charge it but it has charged my droid 4 times on 1 charge and could probably charge more. Also while using it I do not experience touchscreen issues!

I'll be using it excessively next weekend and will post back on how well it works!
I recently purchased the New Trent IMP 500 for backpacking. I haven't really tested it you but if I can get a couple of full charges out of it I will be happy. Of course I wish the Droid 4 had replaceable batteries, that would be a much lighter option.

I used mine extensively over my vacation and it worked really good. It allowed me to record 32ish gigs of video over 3days..i only charged the charger itself once.