New update?


Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
There was a new System Version release for the RAZR M today also. Hopefully helps out all the 2012 Droid phone owners!

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
There was a new System Version release for the RAZR M today also. Hopefully helps out all the 2012 Droid phone owners!

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

I got mine this afternoon on my Razr Maxx HD. Now running 183.46.15 Was running 183.46.10 My bootloader is unlocked, rooted, with TWRP installed. I have SuperSU Pro v1.99r5 installed and I have the Survival mode enabled. I have several (many) apps and bloatware frozen with Titanium Backup, and I have the Xposed Installer with several modules (Gravity box,etc) running

When I got the notification today about a System Update, I changed absolutely NOTHING!
I thought to myself what the heck, go for it, if I mess it up, I mess it up. Downloaded the update, let it unpack, install etc with no problems at all! The only thing I noticed that was different was my Xposed Installer was no longer installed (so no modules were running). I reinstalled that and life is good! Checked everything I could and all seems well. As to any improvements, time will tell.

I was having a lot of the bluetooth/wifi issues, made a few phone calls, so far so good.

Will be interesting to see how other fare, good luck!
This update supposedly fixed issues with BT and WiFi running at the same time.

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk
Man - I want this! WiFi has been off for 2 months, b/c I need BT on - hopefully that's the issue. Still no sign of it being available to me :(
Man - I want this! WiFi has been off for 2 months, b/c I need BT on - hopefully that's the issue. Still no sign of it being available to me :(

Showed up this evening. We'll see what happens....
Showed up this evening. We'll see what happens....
So far so good for me, wifi and bluetooth seems to be pretty stable, but I've had some weird issues with my battery I never had before the update. For example, went into the movies with 73% charge, silenced my phone, came out 2 hours later with 32% charge? I don't know if it's a signal issue or what, but my phone was pretty warm, almost hot.
Battery life in general seems a little worse, but that also could be the phone just showing it's age?
I don't know why the WiFi/BT thing wasn't mentioned in the update notes, but my issue seems to be fixed - haven't had to toggle airplane mode once.

Speaking of airplane mode, Hodor you should definitely use that in the theater. For one, you don't need your phone. For two, getting physically warm is almost always a result of searching for signal, in my experience. So click the plane and enjoy the show!
I have to agree, think it got warm looking for a signal. Also, I am glad to say that I think they may have fixed the Bluetooth / wifi issues, mine is working way better than before the update!
yes, check and see how many services motorola and Google now have enabled and running in the background
yup, them too. kitkat is not really good for phones with only 1 gig of memory as it is supplied to us, too much bloat ware. the os is actually more efficient, but all of the bloat cancels that out.
I don't know why the WiFi/BT thing wasn't mentioned in the update notes, but my issue seems to be fixed - haven't had to toggle airplane mode once.

Speaking of airplane mode, Hodor you should definitely use that in the theater. For one, you don't need your phone. For two, getting physically warm is almost always a result of searching for signal, in my experience. So click the plane and enjoy the show!

Well.....a little more follow up on this. The WiFi/BT thing is still resolved, so that's cool. However, new issues:
1) Text messaging deja vu. Sometimes I receive a text message, then receive it again the next day as new, but when I click on it it stays bold like i have a new message.
2) Group messaging w/ iOS folks - now i get alerted to a new message on a group thread, but if I read it right away, it just says "Downloading" - it seems the first issue above is also triggered by this, if that person is on the thread. Only happens with iPhones.
3) 3way calling - I used to be able to flawlessly add a 3rd caller when on the phone. Now I can just dial the number, but can't change my mind to go back to the first call (hangs up completely), or merge the calls after a successful connection.

Anyone else have this going on? Solutions?
Obviously I've been rebooting can cache clearing regularly, not sure what else to do, besides remember that my contract is up next month :)