Night Vision Mode


Dec 24, 2009
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(Note: I tried to search, but came up empty)

Does anyone know if there is a setting, or an app, to turn the display red?

I do a lot of science-type stuff (astronomy), and also photograph at night. I used a red-tinted flashlight, so as to not ruin my night vision. I would love to be able to use my phone while shooting, or doing astronomy stuff out in the dark, and not have bright white glow from the phone.

Any help would be appreciated.
No. There is an enhancement request in for that feature though.
Are you talking justhave the screen light up solid red? There must be an app that can do that.
The screen backlight is white. Night mode would involve changing the color scheme to something like black/red along with being able to dim the screen backlight. Right now the map & nav apps don't support that.
Are you talking justhave the screen light up solid red? There must be an app that can do that.

From what I gather, they are looking for something that basically adjusts the hue of the screen to red, so that you can still function it, like to check emails and stuff, but the screen would just show shades of red and black, like as if you put it in a red plastic bag, as another poster suggested.
Are you talking justhave the screen light up solid red? There must be an app that can do that.

Not really. "Night Vision Mode" is basically a red cast over everything. You can still use the phone.

If you (or anyone else) has used the app "Google Sky" you can see what I mean. When using the app, you can - in the popup menu - "toggle night mode". You will then see everything on the screen is red - no other colors.

That's what I am looking for. Some quick little app that turns the colors to red (no white screen at all).

For anyone who does a lot of stuff at night, having excellent night vision is a bonus. The longer you are "in the dark" the more you will be able to see, as your pupils dialate, allowing more light to enter your eye. It can take up to 30 minutes for your eyes to become completely dark-adapted, but only a second with a white light to have it ruined. Check out any observatory, and you will not see any white lights used at night. Either no lights, or dim red ones (the red color doesn't affect eye dialation).
The screen backlight is white. Night mode would involve changing the color scheme to something like black/red along with being able to dim the screen backlight. Right now the map & nav apps don't support that.

Heh, I'm not even looking in that area. I'd just like to be able to send text messages, use the phone, Twitter, etc. without ruining my dark adaption at night.
I would love to see maps & nav behave like like the media dock home screen. Press the little lightbulb icon and the screen dims.
I would like to see an app like this as well. Id probably only use 5 times a year but it would be cool and handy none the less.

Wagner :motdroidvert:
that would be nice i xray and develop the film and any light would cause light leaks on the film so we use red lights and itd be nice to be able to use my droid with the red