No use, 60% of my battery is gone


Nov 30, 2009
Reaction score
OK, is this normal? I took the phone off the charger middle of the night last night when I went to bed. I wak up this morning and the phone is at 40% charge after 8 hours of just sitting on the table. A look at what the phone usd shows only Cell standby and phone idle... the best part of this.... Wait for it... They each usd up 37% of my battery. LMAO...

Even now after checking my email the phone says 37% battery life and usage is as follows...

Cell standby 29%
Display 29%
Phone idle 29%
Android OS 7%

WTF is wrong with this thing???
I would get a new battery. Was the screen on all night? It couldn't be if you had the screen auto-off.....
Why not charge while you sleep?

Do a battery pull and try it again. Bet you had an app that wouldn't quit.
Well only way for that I know of is to take off high performance mode. Ltd switch isn't working right fir me, unless I'm doing the wrong settings. I would expect the battery to last longer in a normal mode. However, email only pushes once an hour at night and the phone is supposed to go into some type of night or power save mode according to settings.

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OK so this is so strange. I took the phone off high performance and put it on normal. In the past it always switched to 3g signal... This time it went to 1x. So I pulled the battery and did a reboot... Only when it restarted I was showing a 4 g signal. A quick check showed I was index using "normal" mode.

I charged and took it off the charger just after midnight. Last night. As of me waking up this morning I used 5% battery. In fact with light use today I was at 15 hours on the battery and still at 30% left. I can't believe the difference..

I'm hoping the phone also keeps the 4g signal while I'm at work without me needing to switch to high performance mode. I'm finally happy with this phone. :)

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