Not Again! Reports Of The Lesser Known Samsung J5 Exploding


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Oct 6, 2011
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The hits just keep on coming for Samsung. First they were forced to recall the Note 7, which was followed by a recall of 2.8 million washing machines. Now it looks like the lesser known Samsung J5 may be heading in the same direction. A woman in France has reported that her J5 exploded. This is the first report of its kind. For now there will not be a recall of the J5.

Lamya Bouyirdane reported that she noticed her phone was "sizzling hot" after she asked her 4 year old to hand the phone to her. The phone began to swell up, and she threw it down. At this point the phone began to smoke as it caught fire and the back flew off. Bouyirdane plans to sue Samsung over the incident. This doesn't help Samsung one bit when it comes to regaining consumer trust. Hopefully this will end up being an isolated incident.

via Digital Trends
I call BS. This device has been out for quite awhile without any issues and one of the first things out of this woman's mouth is (she's suing Samsung) just as the majority of others who were looking to capitalize off Samsung lately.
People need to stop blindly posting these stories until information can be verified for their validity.

S5 tap'n
I was testing that phone and had it on the charger non stop for 3-4 days and didn't get hot at all. Oh and it has a removable battery.

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Samsung has serious issues with their batteries. Here is another galaxy active that exploded that nobody cares about Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Active explodes, too
And it seems this has been going on for years and nobody bothered to do anything about it
"Consumer reports show that as early as 2011 — four years before the S6 Active — customers were complaining about exploding Samsung devices. The GalaxyS2, Galaxy Tab 2, Galaxy Tab 3, Galaxy S3, GalaxyS4 Active, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge all have complaints against them, the suit claimed."
Samsung has serious issues with their batteries. Here is another galaxy active that exploded that nobody cares about Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Active explodes, too
And it seems this has been going on for years and nobody bothered to do anything about it
"Consumer reports show that as early as 2011 — four years before the S6 Active — customers were complaining about exploding Samsung devices. The GalaxyS2, Galaxy Tab 2, Galaxy Tab 3, Galaxy S3, GalaxyS4 Active, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge all have complaints against them, the suit claimed."
I didn't bother reading the article you linked because it's BS. Whatever battery issues there were, IF they were, were isolated incidents. Just as any manufacturer. Batteries have caught fire from every electronic device if you dig deep enough. People don't follow directions, they don't take care of their crap, they don't use the correct chargers etc. Look into ANY smartphone on the market for the past decade, I can assure you that you'll find similar isolated claims with every device.
As for Samsung, I've been a part of the original Galaxy S forum, a month before the first Galaxy S device was even released. I've been a regular member/mod on all of our Galaxy S sister forums from the beginning, as well as a member on a multitude of other Samsung forums & Galaxy forums.
If this was such a widespread issue for all these years, why didn't anyone talk about it? It's people like you who continue spreading this crap like it's gospel because "you read it on the internet". Holy sh!t it must be true, it's from "Consumer Reports"! Run for the hills, we're all gonna die!! LOL!
SMH, give me an fn break.

S5 tap'n
... It's people like you who continue spreading this crap like it's gospel because "you read it on the internet". Holy sh!t it must be true, it's from "Consumer Reports"! Run for the hills, we're all gonna die!! LOL! SMH, give me an fn break.
S5 tap'n

+1. But, if it's on the Internet and there's a picture of Abe Lincoln with it and he's quoting something...then it must be true, right? He did invent the Internet, right? o_O :cool:
Samsung has serious issues with their batteries. Here is another galaxy active that exploded that nobody cares about Samsung’s Galaxy S6 Active explodes, too
And it seems this has been going on for years and nobody bothered to do anything about it
"Consumer reports show that as early as 2011 — four years before the S6 Active — customers were complaining about exploding Samsung devices. The GalaxyS2, Galaxy Tab 2, Galaxy Tab 3, Galaxy S3, GalaxyS4 Active, Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6 and Galaxy S6 Edge all have complaints against them, the suit claimed."
Seriously dude, your crazy hatred of Samsung needs a check, maybe you need a check up as well. You never add anything positive to this forum, noting only negative.. Why not go away and find a place that wants negative, boorish fools, this is not the place. We're frankly tired of hearing your crap, and will not listen to your BS any longer.

Sent by my new S7-Edge
I'm sure Samsung or any forensic expert can look at the lady's phone and know in 30 seconds if it exploded or it's B.S.

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