Not Ready for Corporate Prime Time


New Member
Nov 9, 2009
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I'm really wanting to like my droid, but the more I use it, the harder it becomes. I was hoping this would be the perfect marriage between personal and business device, but it doesn't seem to be the case.

1. Exchange support is severly lacking. The fact that you can't search the GAL or file received emails makes it tough to use as a mobile email companion. I've tried touchdown and roadsync as alternatives, and there is just too much fluff to make them easy to use. Just need simple straightforward Exchange support - at least my iphone had it. And why will new mail notification not go away when the email is read on desktop client and therefore read in Droid Mail?

2. WIFI is flaky. I haven't had the problems others have with connecting, but staying connected is another issue. Installed WIFI fix and see it constantly in my notification bar reconnecting to my AP. Never had this problem with other devices on my home or work network.

3. Can't hardly use the keyboard. Get rid of the dpad and make the buttons wider.

4. Camera. enough said about this topic. I'm sure firmware updates will correct these issues.

5. No voice activated dialing over bluetooth.

Overall, I'm considering returning, but what really is keeping it around is the Google Nav - pretty slick. So far, it looks like Dec update and potential Jan update are not addressing what really needs fixed with Exchange support to lure corporate customers. Get GAL search!!

Sorry for the rant.
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Quit whining here and go return it if you don't like it. It seems perfectly fine to me and I think this phone is sick as hell.

Exchange support is decent and I have no problems whatsoever with the push or notifications. At my office we use exchange 2k3 and I am syncing flawlessly over the OWA. Security setting problems and random issues will be fixed with updates.

My wifi is fine and I turned off notifications because they would be annoying anyway, why would you even have them on? Just set up your work/home/school networks and be on your way.

The touch keyboard is a great keyboard compared to the storm/iphone ones that I have used and I am very happy with it. The buttons on the physical keyboard are big enough for my huge fingers and it seems fine to me. Certainly bigger than any of my blackberry's buttons.

Camera and bluetooth will most likely be fixed in the next update.
Quit whining here and go return it if you don't like it. It seems perfectly fine to me and I think this phone is sick as hell.

Exchange support is decent and I have no problems whatsoever with the push or notifications. At my office we use exchange 2k3 and I am syncing flawlessly over the OWA. Security setting problems and random issues will be fixed with updates.

My wifi is fine and I turned off notifications because they would be annoying anyway, why would you even have them on? Just set up your work/home/school networks and be on your way.

The touch keyboard is a great keyboard compared to the storm/iphone ones that I have used and I am very happy with it. The buttons on the physical keyboard are big enough for my huge fingers and it seems fine to me. Certainly bigger than any of my blackberry's buttons.

Camera and bluetooth will most likely be fixed in the next update.


Come on now. This is a place for people to express opinions... be they positive or negative. Let's treat everyone with respect, even if they don't share our views.

Some legitimate complaints in there and I believe they will be fixed in the near future.
For the GAL, try downloading the "Corporate Directory" app. It's a companion app for Exchange support from Motorola and should let you search the GAL.

Come on now. This is a place for people to express opinions... be they positive or negative. Let's treat everyone with respect, even if they don't share our views.

Some legitimate complaints in there and I believe they will be fixed in the near future.

I understand this is a place for people's opinions and that's why I expressed mine and backed it up. All I said was quit whining, no intention for a flame war or anything. The phone came out what 4 days ago and the OP is already talking about returning it. Give it some time dude.

Compared to most other smartphones that I have used and bought on launch day, the droid is near flawless. Hell, the droid is near flawless compared to most smartphones that have been out and receiving updates for months/years.
Marve, 2 posts.. one telling a guy to quit whining.. come on man, it's not like he was slamming the phone and pushing iPhone.. he was giving legitimate concerns and probably hoping someone would have some solutions for his concerns.

ryanc, I have no doubt pretty much all your concerns will be fixed with time. The Droid is an amazing phone, Android 2.0 is an amazing platform with unlimited potential. I think what you are coming across is only until this phone hit the shevles, most developers on Android were sort of waiting to see if it would happen..if it would take off. I think with over 100,000 sales of Droids in one weekend, and other phones coming soon on different carriers, it's now starting to spread that Android is the real deal, you can create quality apps that rival iPhone (given the Android openness and what a developer has access to compared to any other phone/platform).

So I'd say, if you absolutely need those issues you bring up right now, maybe it would be better to return it and stick with your last phone if it worked for you, and wait on those issues being resolved. I am waiting myself to see if Android 2.0+ phones are going to slowly (or quickly) replace BB users for business use given the plethora of apps already available and a lot of developers jumping on the 2.0 bandwagon. I am sure many developers are also BB users who know what is needed to allow Android devices to do as well if not better than BB in the business sector. Just need to give it some time.

Best of luck to you.
For the GAL, try downloading the "Corporate Directory" app. It's a companion app for Exchange support from Motorola and should let you search the GAL.
Thanks for pointing this out. It works great!!!
Thanks for the replies guys. I'm starting to get used to Touchdown a little bit and it seems to handle the job well - especially since it supports enforced security policies.

I will definately look at the Corporate Directory app as a combination of that and the proposed 12/11 update might satisfy some of the Exchange concerns (with the exception of signature tagging). We have a fairly strict email policy at work that requires certain email signatures.

I'm sure FW updates will address most other concerns - camera is not really that big of a deal, I was hoping it would be better, but it should improve. BT support needs to be addressed as well.

My original post was meant to simply point out that native exchange support will not fly in a lot of Corporate environments where strict policies in place, so some looking to replace their BB will be disappointed.

I'm new to Verizon, so I want to make sure I am comfortable with the device before my 30 days is up, which is the only reason for the quick return.

Watching myself pull into a parking spot on Google Maps/Satellite was worth the price of admission!

Seems like a lot of good info is on the forum here, so I'll certainly pick others brains!