

Mar 20, 2010
Reaction score
Jacksonville, FL
One thing I love about the S6 is that I have the LED notification on the front face of the phone again (though Moto's Active Display really grew on me).

Two questions: is there an app that I can use to customize the color of the LED for notifications from different apps; e.g., green for SMS, blue for Facebook, purple for email, etc.?

Also, how can I turn off the screen notification for incoming messages so that I only have LED notification? I've tried it through the main menu (Sound & Notifications) and in the settings in the SMS app. I'm sure it's something simple I've missed.
In addition to the app that Jeffrey suggested, some apps themselves will let you choose the color. Though, since not ALL do, you're probably best off to manage all of them from Light Manager, so all of your options are in the same place.

As for getting a text and the screen coming on, unless something has changed in the last little while, there's no way to turn that off in the stock Samsung SMS app. If you download a third party text app, you have options in some of those to turn that on or off, though many have it off by default.

Some popular third-party texting apps include Hangouts, Google Messenger, Textra, EvolveSMS. I've used all of these and enjoyed each of them for different reasons.