[Official] Liberty Customizer [Bug Reports]

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Not exactly a bug, just a typo;

When you first open Liberty Customizer the first sentence says, "Since this is your phone, than you should make this your ROM." If you want to use the than in in there it should be changed to then. Really, it would be better just omitted:)

Nice ROM, BTW, thank you!!!
Pick the one you want from the market (LauncherPro, ADW launcher, etc. Just search for home or launcher) then install like any other app. When you click home, a box should pop up asking how you want to complete the action. Choose your new launcher and done. You will lose all your page layouts though.

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The stock launcher isn't in the market..
It's not in the market. Its called launcher 2 (its the stock liberty launcher). It can't really be modified, hence the reason to use lp or adw

Droid 2 APEX RC2 (GB)
It's not in the market. Its called launcher 2 (its the stock liberty launcher). It can't really be modified, hence the reason to use lp or adw

Droid 2 APEX RC2 (GB)

Well thanks for trying..... I don't like lpp or adw..
You actually like the stock liberty launcher over adw and lp? At least on my d2 its a huge difference in snap, and customization with the other two, but no offense. To each his/her own

Droid 2 APEX RC2 (GB)
I do, I think its more snappy, but maybe this is an argument for another thread lol, I just wanna know how to switch to the stock home launcher without the customizer..
You'll want the app called home smack. From there you can switch between any launcher you have. Great app, it's free on the market

Droid 2 APEX RC2 (GB)
Issue with blur home

I switch to blur home .8 D2, and when I rebooted I got stuck in a bootloop. I pulled battery and then wiped data and cache. Now my phone comes on my lock screen works fine and my notification bar works fine, but all I see is a black screen. Anyone know how I can get around this?
I am on v.9, was working fine, then started using the custtomizer, and when I rebooted to allow settings changes to take effect, it wouldn't go to the home screen, backup assistant automatically came up and then started getting constant force closes for different applications

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, I did install bootstrap, it was resetting to that occasionally, but now is going to android syst rcvry, is there a way to direct it to one or the other?
If one more person tries to use blur home, i'm gonna scream! It's a good idea to read the bug reports first before messing with this beta rom. Espessially if you're just installing it now. You have the upper hand because you know what not to do. Using the customizer to install blur home is one of those things. It will cause bootloops, fc and sometimes you'll have to sbf.


Droid 2 Liberty GB v0.9
Understand your frustration, but chill out. It takes like 15 minutes to sbf. I'll read the bug report closer next time.
Not really frustrated, sorry if it came off like that. I've had like 10 phone calls this week from guys who did the same thing. It was haunting me. Sorry to take it out on ya.

Droid 2 Liberty GB v0.9
I read that if you try to change a lot of things in the customizer at once it may not work correctly. Then I switched to blur launcher by itself and its worked fine for me since. Did it same day as previous post

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It worked for me too in the past, but it seemed to cause the majority of people to bootloop and have to sbf so to play it safe... it's a good idea not to. You can dl the blur launcher from mr bradys vzw theme thread

Droid 2-honeybread cyanogenmod 7 (build-16)
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