¡Oh geez, I ment PLEASE, NOT PHRASE!


New Member
Dec 31, 2010
Reaction score
See what I mean, lol..... Also I have been having problems using some wireless routers. It says connected, but automatically disconnects a second after.Now it only works with wireless at my house. Doesn't even work at my moms with excellent service. Plus every one else can use the wireless there on their phones & laptops! Which is extremely irritating! I have even used it at a house a decent distance down the road on my laptop! Btw...I'm not even positive how to get the responses from my questions.I'm assuming just check back on here. Thank you very much to whoever answers my questions:) It would be awesome to get this phone working how I want it to....& help would be greatly appreciated:)!

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Not sure exactly what you are asking other than how to get responses.

You should get an email whenever your post is responded to since the last time you checked it.

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Sorry...i was asking about the wireless connection problem. About how it only works at my house now, and no where else. I don't have the ip address set or anything like that. In fact, out used to work with other wireless connections until recently. ANY IDEAS WHY?? Thank you. And thanks to everyone that replied:)

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