Oh, no! I dropped my phone and killed it....

I'd rather live with the frustration, actually. Moved into two phones in about a month's time. And then there's the smartwatch lol
I may end up needing to, but would like to exhaust all other options first.
One thing I just noticed... When I verbally respond to a text while driving, it's not showing up in my text app thread (conversation). Maybe the two are tied into the same issue?

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I fully understand the reluctance to FDR. What text app are you using? When you boot in to safe mode, does it work normally then? I've definitely had some apps conflicting and doing weird stuff like that. If I remember earlier posts, you fixed one problem by a safe mode boot and then reboot, but I think that was a different phone. I can't keep all of your phones straight. :confused: If you haven't tried it, a safe mode test might help sort out where the problem is or isn't.
Thinking it's a setting with my car that the phone doesn't like...

There's the answer. TIME FOR A NEW CAR!! My Maserati and my phone get along just fine.
I fully understand the reluctance to FDR. What text app are you using? When you boot in to safe mode, does it work normally then? I've definitely had some apps conflicting and doing weird stuff like that. If I remember earlier posts, you fixed one problem by a safe mode boot and then reboot, but I think that was a different phone. I can't keep all of your phones straight. :confused: If you haven't tried it, a safe mode test might help sort out where the problem is or isn't.
Ya know, I'm not sure which replacement I needed to do that on LOL! I'm fairly certain it was this one. I would do the safe mode, but then my car app won't work, which must be what's playing havoc with this phone/Google/Moto debacle. I guess I could give it a try and see. You talked me into it :D I'll try to do that tomorrow. It's parked in the barn outback, and I'm in for the night...
Started out this morning in safe mode. Nothing worked LOL
I rebooted and still the same problem. Called Nissan and spoke to someone over there. There's a setting under AUX on the head unit that I didn't click through to find. I knew it was going to be something simple and silly.
Unfortunately, it appears Nissan made a change, or three, on their app -- maybe. I used to be able to hear my phone talk to me when the head unit was on or off. Now, it has to be on and in AUX mode. I'm assuming that is an issue on the car end and not the phone. Wouldn't you?
I tried looking on a Nissan forum, but they've got nothing on this place. Droid Forums is organized and easy to navigate. Nissan gave me a headache :eek:
It does kind of sound like a Nissan thing and nothing wrong with your phone?

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It does kind of sound like a Nissan thing and nothing wrong with your phone?

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I'll tell you one thing, now that I switched back from AppFlash (other thread), I'll be curious to see if that was doing anything to the phone communicating correctly with the car. Now I'm really excited for 5:00 LOL
If my memory is correct, I went into a more advanced set of settings "Developer's Mode?" and tweaked something on my original phone. I used to do stuff there in earlier model phones and was a little disappointed in the options on the Z, but I can't even figure out where it is on this phone to remind myself if there's something I want to change.
I remember it's in a more obscure place (or maybe right in front of my face :p). Can someone please remind me where it is, or how to get to it?
Yes, I've searched on here and even googled it, but I'm not having any luck...
I believe it's Settings > About Phone > tap Build Number 10 times and that enables Developer Options.

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I believe it's Settings > About Phone > tap Build Number 10 times and that enables Developer Options.

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Awesome! Thanks!!! That's how I changed the setting so my screen can stay on while charging! I KNEW that was somewhere LOL
Phew, now I feel like I'm back in business. Can't wait to see how it gets along with the car on my commute home! 54 minutes, but who's counting....
Unfortunately, it appears Nissan made a change, or three, on their app -- maybe. I used to be able to hear my phone talk to me when the head unit was on or off. Now, it has to be on and in AUX mode. I'm assuming that is an issue on the car end and not the phone. Wouldn't you?

So if you're listening to the radio (cars still have those don't they?), or connected to USB, or BT audio, basically anything EXCEPT AUX mode it won't work?!? That's crazy! Have you checked to see if you need to update the audio unit firmware? I've rarely had luck doing that myself with a USB drive. I always have the dealer do it. If that's all up to date and still not working, but it does work in your husbands truck, it's clearly the car and then I really do thing it's time to proclaim it broken and in need of replacement. The argument always works with my wife:
Me: Sorry honey, but the car is broken and my phone won't work with it anymore. I need a new car.
Wifey: Why don't you just get a new phone?
Me: I'm not eligible for a new phone yet so it would be too expensive to just buy one until I'm eligible.
Wifey: OK, go ahead and get a new car then. Just make sure you park it outside your new apartment after I kick your lazy, no good, conniving behind out of here!
Me: On second thought, I think I'll live with the problem....I didn't mean you honey...you're not the problem. OK, I'll buy YOU a new car. Sorry.
I love your sense of humor @jkaod.

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I usually have nothing really useful to add, just some ridiculous comments. You sir, on the other hand, are very helpful. Thank you!