Oh ya..I bet this is the first one of these...


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Apr 10, 2010
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I know, I know..I apologize ahead of time. However, I have to ask. I am a brand new verizon customer, still in my 30 day period. I have a motorola droid right now, do you suggest I change for the incredible or no? I can do it and pay nothing but the restocking fee. However, once I change to the Incredible I have NO WAY of changing back to the moto droid :(.
That is correct. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. The Moto Droid is a very established Android device, and I believe I read earlier today in the first quarter of 2010 it sold 2.3 million units, that doesn't count the number that were sold from when they came out in November until the end of the year. My guess is there is about 3.5 to 4 million of them. I looked at the Incredible tonight at the local BJ's store at the VZW kiosk (was surprised they had one), and it was nice, it was lighter than my Droid, it did not have a keyboard, which is also nice, and it seemed to have a bigger screen. I did some side by side internet tests and my Droid seemed faster for loading in most instances. I also overclock my Droid at 1.1 HZ, and it seems more responsive than the Incredible. It's a good phone, but I'll stick with the Droid. It's already proven it is a worthy and sturdy device with a track record now.
If you still have 30 days, return it and get the Incredible. Its just superior to the Droid for everything imo. I had my droid for 29 days and LOVED IT, fully rooted with custom rom, overclocked to 800mhz-1ghz, etc, and even stock the Incredible is hands down the better phone. Once this thing gets rooted and overclocked, it will make the droid seem that much older.

The droid is a GREAT phone, but if you have your 30 days, do it. I have 0 regrets.
That is correct. Ultimately, the decision is up to you. The Moto Droid is a very established Android device, and I believe I read earlier today in the first quarter of 2010 it sold 2.3 million units, that doesn't count the number that were sold from when they came out in November until the end of the year. My guess is there is about 3.5 to 4 million of them. I looked at the Incredible tonight at the local BJ's store at the VZW kiosk (was surprised they had one), and it was nice, it was lighter than my Droid, it did not have a keyboard, which is also nice, and it seemed to have a bigger screen. I did some side by side internet tests and my Droid seemed faster for loading in most instances. I also overclock my Droid at 1.1 HZ, and it seems more responsive than the Incredible. It's a good phone, but I'll stick with the Droid. It's already proven it is a worthy and sturdy device with a track record now.
The incredible and the droid have the same size screens, the droids resolution is actually a hair more than the incredibles ;)

Definitely look at some of the incredible threads that are being made and try to make a decision based of that. But if I was in your position I'd probably end up getting the incredible just because it's specs are a tad better.

At this point I wouldn't get the droid based solely in the fact that it's getting refreshed this coming summer/fall (hopefully lol), the incredible at least is a newer phone with better specs. I'd rather get stuck with the newer Faster phone rather than the older one. From what I've read so far the incredible seems to be quite a nice phone, it has it's faults but in the end there are a lot of happy users so far.

P.s.- still love my droid though, he's my first smart phone, he's getting old but he's done a great job :D *pets droid*
Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
+1 for what Vulcan1600Rider said. Unless you just want the Inc. because you don't like the weight or physical keyboard of your Moto Droid, I would stick with the device that has been worked on in real world testing for 7 months. I personally like the Inc, but I would not change if they paid me.
Since reading the forums within the last few hours, the Droid screen vs. the Incredible screen is like LCD vs. Plasma: The Droid being LCD, the Incredible being Plasma. If u are a Hi Def TV owner, u know the joys of trying to decide which TV to get.......Thanks alot Motorola and HTC......

I can tell you, no matter what u read, see, test, touch, feel (taste?!? :p) .....u will get/keep the phone that you wanna get/keep. Try out the Incredible in the store first before switching.

Cuz I have a LCD TV simply for things I didnt like about Plasmas. And Plasma owners have a Plasma for things they didnt like about LCD's.

Is your Droid bad, messed up, just not working good?
Do you like or need the slide out keyboard?
Do you want a FM Radio?
Do you want a better looking user interface (like Windows XP Pro vs Vista/Win 7 Aero)
Want/need a faster CPU?

Answer those and your decision will be a lil clearer. Especially the first one.
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I know, I know..I apologize ahead of time. However, I have to ask. I am a brand new verizon customer, still in my 30 day period. I have a motorola droid right now, do you suggest I change for the incredible or no? I can do it and pay nothing but the restocking fee. However, once I change to the Incredible I have NO WAY of changing back to the moto droid :(.

I had started out with the Eris even though it was a lessor OS (1.5) then the Droid but I never cared for the look of the Moto. I had a HTC Touch previously and for the most part felt it was a good phone and ahead of its at that time. When I bought my Eris 6 weeks ago i was told and online rumors seamed to say was the Incredible due out in summer so anyway I bought my Incredible full pop yesterday and pleased I did!

What you may want to do is go to Verizon were there are real display models and ask the rep to show you HTC Sense as that is layered on top of the Android OS and I really like it! the look up Incredible vs Moto droid and there are many reviews on it I feel this hands on and reviewing the reviews will help you go one way or other! Happy Droiding :)
I just can't get over how much colder the Incredible runs. This leaves HUGE overclocking potential, not that it really needs it, but......hey, I do it to all my computers, what's the difference? Afterall, this thing and the Droid are just baby computers essentially lol, especially now that they've ported Android over to the Atom chipset, and are releasing netbooks with the Snapdragon processor in them running Android OS...

cool stuff. Everything just......fowwwwwwwwws.. I can't get over it.Night and day differnce from my Droid. and I LOVED my droid.
I had the droid for 3 months and just paid retail for the Incredible. Worth. Every. Penny. I keep seeing people say that the Droid's performance when overclocked is close to or better than the Incredible at stock. I just don't see it. Even overclocked, my droid was laggy and would often be unresponsive for several seconds when trying to answer the phone, switch screens, launch apps, etc. Not to mention the heat generated when overclocking and the screen flakiness when plugged in. IF you're planning on having a phone for 2 years, go with the DI. While the Droid is a solid phone, and even if performance is better when overclocked, overclocking is probably going to shorten it's lifespan to some degree. Whether it makes it the full two years when overclocked is yet to be seen. Not only that, but I find Sense a bit more polished than stock Android. I much prefer the DI's phone app for example. Opens to your call log with the dialpad up. Very nice. I hated not being able to just go straight into my call log when i opened the phone app. Plus you get a solid device without having to hack the crap out of it, not that I won't root this thing as soon as it's available :)
I just traded my MDroid in for the Incredible after using it for 29 days, no regrets and not looking back at all. The Incredible fits me better than the Droid. I did not like the physical keyboard, the weight, and the INC is just smoother, faster, thinner, etc. The Droid is by no means a slacker of a phone, it's a great device too, just saying the INC is a bit more. The main thing I am noticing is how much quicker I am able to navigate, whether it's internet or just back and forth between apps.