Opening epub files


New Member
Dec 9, 2010
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I've converted a small Word doc to epub. How do I make it open in either Google Books or Kobo? I can't find a way to open a local file in either.
I personally use Barnes and Nobles Nook app. GREAT application. My favorite part? I can turn pages with it, instead of scrolling or clicking. For the nook app it makes a folder called Nook on your sd card, and under there there is a section called like content or my files, I just pasted in there. Im sure there is something similar on google books or kobo
Thanks very much. I downloaded Nook, and it works. It crashes some, but I'm able to read my document. I can't find a Google Books folder to put in. Kobo has one, but it doesn't show the epub I put there, and I can't find any way to make it open it. Thanks again.
That may well change, but I know what you mean. I like the sepia tones in the Kindle app. :)

2.0 is worth looking into when it updates, though. They have all the other apps to learn from and improve on, after all.
I've always been partial to FBreader, its not as well financed as nook but its free and supports a ton of formats.
Opening epub file sent in an email

I received a .epub file attached to an email on a Droid X and have not been able to open it, or even save it. Under the file name I have "unsupported file type" in gray and it will not open the file.

Received on a Droid X
Sent from an Iphone.
