Organizing photos and albums in stock Gallery app -- am I missing something?


Apr 10, 2011
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Hey guys. I am trying to figure out how the organize my own folders in the stock Gallery app on the phone, so that I can have "Italy Trip" and "People" and "Funny" folders, for example, and I can put photos (JPEGs) into these folders by mounting my phone's SD card on my Mac, and then copying/moving/deleting photos in these folders. I do not want to have my photos stored on my phone's internal flash memory, just on the SD card. Then when I launch the "Gallery" app on my phone, I want it to show my albums, and I can tap on one and view the pictures, etc. Hopefully this is not an unusual use case, but I can't for the life of me figure it out.

Here's what I've tried.

* Plug HTC DINC2 into Mac
* Select "Disk Drive - Mount as disk drive" Connection Type
* Mac shows exactly one new volume called NONAME, which is the root directory of my SD Card
* I observe that pictures and videos I take with the phone are stored in /DCIM/100MEDIA/ on this volume
* (I am not sure why i don't see a second volume that is the root directory of my phone's internal flash, but whatever)

Ok great! So I create some test folders, stash some test images therein, and then disconnect the volume:

And when I launch Gallery, what do I see? The same old stuff

Camera Shots
All photos
All videos
All downloads

Then at the bottom are some icons for annoying web 2.0 crap that I never use, like Facebook, Flickr, and "Connect...". The menu has some crapware (VCAST Videos?) and an option to show/hide the four albums listed above.

Soo.. what's the secret here? Is there a better Gallery app that 'just works' (and doesn't have crapware and web 2.0 crap), or am I doing something wrong?
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Sorry no one has replied to your question. I have found that there is no way to do it in the stock Gallery. I use QuickPic. It's awesome for creating folders as well. Very easy to use.
+1 for QuickPic. Been using it over stock gallery for months now.
Any chance one of you QuickPic users would be willing to put a step by step on how to move pictures to different folders? When I long hold a picture and select move to, it isn't giving me any of the picture folders that I created last time I was on a pc as an option to move it to...
Ya i ended up getting QuickPic. It seems to work ok. It's a little less intuitive than I'd like -- i.e., I'm going to actually have to read something to figure out how to make it work to my liking, but I might be asking for too much.
The problem I have with qp is that opening a pic msg, if I use it, it gives me qn error. Although I use it as my gallery app now. I like the sort by date. I hated scrolling to the end of the stock gallary

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.
Any chance one of you QuickPic users would be willing to put a step by step on how to move pictures to different folders? When I long hold a picture and select move to, it isn't giving me any of the picture folders that I created last time I was on a pc as an option to move it to...

Go into quickpic. Enter the folder you want to move pics from. On top right you see a box with a check in it. Hit that.

You will now see grey check boxes over the pics. Manually select pics, or on bottom left bar that appears, press the double check icon to select them all.

Once you select the pics, third icon from left, looks like a street sign for a right turn. Hit that. Then find the folder you want (dcim) and subfolderor add a new folder and hit ok.

Sent from someplace, and with something that you need not worry about.